Suggestions for What to Say at a Funeral

Funerals and graveside services are times of high emotion, and that might make it difficult to figure out what to say at a funeral that will not add to the pain of your friends or family members. Many people stumble when attempting to find just the right phrase to share your love and support, but these suggestions may be able to help you communicate your devotion.

Simply Being Present

If you are completely uncomfortable with any type of verbal language, consider the nonverbal support that you can provide simply with your presence. Your loved ones are likely to be very emotional after a loss, and knowing that you are there for them during this difficult time is often all that is required.

Suggestions for What to Say

Short phrases of loss and affection for your loved ones and the deceased are often the most welcome. “I am so sorry, your father was very loved”, “She was an amazing lady” or “I have so many fond memories of your sister”. By retaining a positive spin on your message, you are inviting the happy memories to come to the service while showing that you care and are there for your friends and family members who experienced the loss.

Topics to Avoid at a Funeral

Just as there are many kind words that are welcome during a funeral or visitation, there are also some topics that are better left at home on these highly-charged days. Any sort of negativity about the deceased or their loved ones should be avoided, as well as insensitive questions about their passing or intimate details that the family may not feel comfortable sharing with you. Many people tend to mention their own personal losses and state “I know how you feel”, but this type of language should probably be avoided. We each have a personal grieving process, and it’s important to allow individuals to walk this path as they need to.

Maintaining the correct demeanor during a funeral or memorial service is important, and helps add to the weighty feeling of the occasion. We appreciate every family that chooses Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery for their final services, and our staff members are always courteous and quick to answer your questions. Contact us today at 480-832-2850 or via email to [email protected] to learn more.

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