Forever In the Hearts They Leave Behind

Gwendolyn Brown 

January 11, 1956 – January 21, 2022

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“Gwen” as she liked to be called, was so full of love, laughter and life. One of her signature phrases that everyone would love to hear her say was “Oh Nooooo”…

Altadena California was home for Gwen, but she lived in Arizona collectively for 17 yrs. She loved the outdoors. She enjoyed Fishing, Camping, Bowling, playing Pool, Swimming, listening to music, dancing and spending time with family and friends. She was a polite, nurturing, strong woman, who was loved dearly.

Gwen made a difference in many lives. She loved working with children and helping people. From driving school buses, to running group homes for abused and neglected children, to being a foster parent and owning a childcare business; she did it all. In her latter years, she took care of adults with disabilities in her own home. That was her way of showing unconditional love to those who needed it most.

Gwen was preceded in death by her Father Stanley Sr, Mother Florine and older Brother James. She leaves behind to forever cherish her memory, 4 children; Shantell, Stephanie, Alprenice and Stacy. A daughter by blessing Aleiah, 10 Grand children, 1 Great Grandson Jayce, Brother Stanley Jr, Sister Andrea, Sister by blessing Crystal, Step Mother Josephine, Step Brother Robbie, 103 year old Aunt “Na Na” and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends who became family over the years.

Gwen would not want anyone to be sad for her, but to celebrate her. They say

“Our Fingerprints Don’t Fade From The Lives We’ve Touched” and she will NEVER be forgotten!

– Written with love by Stacy Clark

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  1. Stacy Clark says:

    I love you so very much my Blessing. I promise to make you proud and to never forget you! You know I haven’t broken any promises to you and I don’t plan to start. Mom you were my reason amongst so many other things. You kept me going and gave me strength daily. Nomore appointments Mommy. You are beyond perfect and whole! I love you and you will be with me forever

  2. Sandra F. Potter says:

    Gwen was caring, loving and nurturing person, her heart was HUGE, always helping was her way. She loved her family with all of her heart, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for family and friends. Gwen was my rock here in Arizona, I was elated when she moved back to THIS GOD FORSAKEN DESERT, she was happy, where she made her home. Gwen was a blessing to know and to be her friend, cause I HAD A TRUE FRIEND IN GWENDOLYN BROWN. Good Bye Gweenie, til we meet again❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Aleiah says:

    To be chosen to be loved is priceless. Thank you mommy for choosing to love me so dearly.
    Forever your Lay Lay

  4. Mai Barnes says:

    While I never had the opportunity to meet Gwen in person, I called her Mom. Gwen was beautiful and her personality was something that captured my heart immediately. Through Stacy, I saw her strengths and felt the love they both shared for one another. She reminded me of my mother with her strong personality and funny energy. It was a pleasure to be a part of Gwen’s life and an honor to put a smile upon her face with the few beautiful things I sent to her. She more often placed a smile upon my face. 🙂 May you rest peacefully pretty lady. You are missed!!!

    -Mai Barnes Smith

  5. Mai Barnes says:

    Hang in there Stacy! Love you

  6. Asmar Rhone says:

    I’m gonna miss you. Love you Forever n Always

  7. Paula Y Williams says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting Gwen a few years ago, and it’s not that often you meet someone who automatically makes you feel like family! She was a beautiful and loving woman, with a personality to match! My prayers go out to the family!💖💖🙏🏼🙏🏼

  8. Tana Washington says:

    How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.
    Psalm 36:7 KJV


    Dearest Stacy,

    Your Mother’s Heart Posture Was One of An Ongoing Upward, Inward and Outward Reaching, That Touched Every Area and Aspect of People’s Lives.

    Attach Every Blessing You Receive and Every Tear You Carry To Our Lord Above. Gwen Gave To Aleiah And I, Faith, Hope, Love, and Gratitude!

    Thank You Gwen For Sharing Your Love!

    I Am Forever Blessed!

    Tana (Aleiah’s Mother)

  9. Tana Washington says:

    A Majestic Sunrise Is God’s Light!!

  10. Tayjai Horton says:

    Grandma I love you. I’ll never forget the mark you left on us of love and joy. You always opened up your heart for any and everyone and I will miss you. Junie talks about you all the time, your love for your grand kids was unconditional. You loved us very much and saw past our mistakes and never made harsh judgments of our decisions. Even when I couldn’t talk to you I knew you were always routing for us. Khyjai loves you and will always miss you. We are hurting because we never got the chance to see you. But I know you are in paradise, what you deserve for the beautiful life you lived and helping others in need. Your beautiful soul grandma I will miss you so very much I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I feel your presence in my heart always I’ll never forget that contagious laugh I loved so much.. I hope your flying and peaceful and happy.. Never goodbye just a see you later. 🤎

  11. Crystal Pratt says:

    Forever my Untie Gwen…
    My sweet Untie Gwen…
    Such a amazing woman so kind and peaceful… I miss you beyond words and I thank you for always making me feel so loved and cared about…
    I remember my first time meeting you… you had the oldies playing and your drAnk in your hands smiling and laughing just enjoying life. You made me feel so comfortable and I will forever be thankful for you… I completely love you to infinity and beyond. You will never be forgotten… you are in our hearts forever ♥️ love Crystal

  12. Stacy Clark says:

    Hey my beautiful, blessing…my Miss Pretty. It’s been a very long 21 days without you Mommy. I miss you so much my blessing. More than words can ever express. Mommy we use to talk alot about important things and with your fight and I thank you again and a final time for trusting me. You trusted me to fight for you, to make decisions for you, to love you, to pray over you, to have your best interest at heart. You trusted me with your life and I cannot thank you enough. Daily I ask myself, “now what”…I still have your TV on in your room. Funny thing is, today I noticed the TV was off 🤔 hmmmm I didn’t turn it off. I think that was you, but I’m not ready Mommy so I turned it back on. 😔 Mommy I will treasure our memories and you will be with me always every step of the way. That’s why I put your name on my foot. I knew you would always walk with me. Sweet eternal dreams my Blessing
    – your Tootie

  13. Khyjai Horton says:

    Grandma Gwen 💜
    It hurts me a lot to even write this rn, my eyes keep filling up w tears.. I can’t believe your gone😭 you will forever be in my mind and heart. I love you so so much grandma.

  14. Stacy Clark says:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words for my Mother. If you click the photos, they will be clear.

  15. Stacy Clark says:

    Missing you terribly and daily. I find it so hard to walk past or anywhere near your room. It’s 10:30 at night and you’re heavily on my mind. Mom I promise I will never forgot you. I wish I had you longer. 41 years just wasn’t long enough 😔😪

  16. Deshia Douglas says:

    I love you Auntie I know I was your favorite niece I miss you and I hope your watching over me I love you so much you are my favorite auntie I never got to visit but I thought about you every day I love you see you again

  17. Stacy Clark says:

    Mommy today marks 1 full month without you in my care. Today is just as hard as day one. Nothing is getting easier Mom. I know you’re happy that there are nomore appointments, but the selfish part of me just wishes you were here. I miss Watching TV with you, combing your hair, chatting, laughing and getting in bed with you. There is just so very much that I miss about you. One month down and an eternity to go without my blessing here. But you’re forever in my heart. Don’t forget the Turtles Mommy 💚

  18. Tootie says:

    Hey there my Blessing! I’m missing you so very much Mom. I’m in an unbelievable amount of denial. Today March 2nd, your TV is still on in your room. 😔 I went back to work on Monday. It’s very different not having your monitor on my desk and not being able to run in and watch Paternity Court with you on my break or ION TV….Mommy, home doesn’t feel like home not having your flesh here. I miss you Miss Pretty. Why did this have to happen to you? I miss you Mommy 😔💔

  19. Alprenice Horton Jr. says:

    Grandmaaaa 😭 I love you so dearly & will forever miss you & think of you on a constant basics 💙 you mean everything to me & all of us down here that’s gonna be missing you each & everyday ! All I know grandma is you were one of the strongest womans I knoe that always broke her bac for the family to make sure everyone was happy . I’m going to miss how you always would bring the family together & have are lil bbq & get togethers 😭 this really hurts me deeply but I know that your & a way better place now , with no pain or worry’s grandma 💙💙💙 please watch over all of us grandma I will be Bac with you one day grandma 🤞🏾💙 until then I love you GRANDMA GWEM 💙💙💙‼

  20. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! It’s Stacy…again. I’m having a sad day thinking about how much I miss you. I was looking at this lady on TV play tennis and her legs reminded me of yours. Remember how much you use to love your legs and how strong they were? Mom you have left me with so very many memories. I thank you so much for that. I couldn’t have asked for a better Mother. I miss you so much and I love you. I pray that you are resting peacefully my Blessing. Today makes 7 weeks. I’m still NOT okay 😪🙏🏾

  21. Stacy says:

    You are on my mind as always. I love you forever my blessing 😔🐢 No more appointments Mommy! No more appointments 🙏🏾

  22. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. I’m just coming by to leave you a message of love. Not a day that goes by I don’t think of you. You are missed dearly Mom. If I could change things for you I swear I would. I really miss you. Continue to rest my blessing

  23. Stacy (Tootie) says:

    Mom it has been a very very long 3 months without you. I just turned 41 on Sunday. You would be happy to know that I didn’t sit home sad all day. I thought about it but I knew that wouldn’t be good and you wouldn’t want that for me. Dolla misses you. I catch him coming out of your room sometimes. This place is not the same without you. I don’t even want to live here anymore. Mom I pray that your soul is at peace, I pray that you are watching over me and guiding me as you always have. Please be the set of footprints that carry me when I don’t have the strength to carry myself. 🙏🏾 I love you for an eternity Mommy. I will always be your keeper 💚

  24. Stacy says:

    I miss you more and more each day

  25. Your babygirl Tootie says:

    Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day my Blessing! I miss you so very very much Mommy 💔

  26. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. Geez I am missing you terribly. I went in your room the other day and just broke down. My mind is still not accepting that you’re not here and it’s been 4 months. I think about you all the time. You are forever my Blessing, my Miss Pretty. I love you you love me, we’re a happy family. Love always Mom 🙏🏾

  27. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Good morning my Blessing! Happy Memorial Day Mom…it’s really just another day to cook lol. I wish you were here with me physically. I know you’re keeping me company in spirit. I initially had so much planned for you in my mind for today but nothing has come together as I thought it would. It’s okay though, you are here with me and I forever love you. Chat soon Mom. I love you for an eternity 💓

  28. Tootie says:

    💚🐢💚 love you forever. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart Mommy. I pray that your soul is resting. No more appointments 😪 💔 I miss you

  29. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. Today makes 5 months since you’ve been gone. I’m still in disbelief. None of this seems real. 😕 💔 heartbroken is an understatement. I wish you were here and well! I wish this wasn’t what was in store for you. I love you so much and I miss you. 🙏🏾 nomore appointments Mommy

  30. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Hey Mommy. Today is July 5th. I really missed you yesterday. Well I miss you terribly every day. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. Dolla misses you as well. He cried when I played the video of your speech therapy. Mommy I wish I could turn back the hands of time just to get more time with you. 40 years just wasn’t enough. I needed more time 😔💔

  31. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Good morning Mommy. It’s been 6 months since I’ve held your hand. Since I’ve kissed your soft skin. Since I’ve been able to smell your beautiful scent. This just doesn’t seem real. Feels like a long nightmare 😔💔 nomore appointments Mommy. I love you my Miss Pretty. Rest In Peace 🙏🏾 😢

  32. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Still can’t believe you’re gone so soon 😢

  33. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    NEVER WILL I FORGET YOU MOMMY 😔 Life is just not the same without you. How cruel life is for the way things happen. 💔

  34. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy…every time I come here and see your picture, it just seems and feels unbelievable. I still cannot believe that you’re gone. I just wasn’t ready Mom. 😩 just really wasn’t ready. I know you’re not miserable anymore but I just hate that this happened to you. Please be my forever Angel. #111 forever my Blessing my Miss Pretty

  35. Stacy says:

    I just wasn’t ready Mom. I just wasn’t ready. I miss you so very much. What I wouldn’t give to have you back here with me and well. Missing you and needing you 💔🙏🏾

    • Stacy says:

      Hi Mom! I was thinking about you today. Well I think about you everyday as I told you before. Not having you in my life is just so unfair. No matter the age, I will never outgrow loving and needing you. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and great childhood. There is nothing I would change when it comes to having you as my Mom. I pray you are in peace Mommy 🙏🏾…I’m not but I am working on it 🐢 I love you my blessing!

  36. Stacy says:

    Hi Mom! I was thinking about you today. Well I think about you everyday as I told you before. Not having you in my life is just so unfair. No matter the age, I will never outgrow loving and needing you. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and great childhood. There is nothing I would change when it comes to having you as my Mom. I pray you are in peace Mommy 🙏🏾…I’m not but I am working on it 🐢 I love you my blessing!

  37. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy it’s me again…having one of those moments where I wish I could just lay on your chest like I use too. Hold your hand, massage your temples, prepare you for bed. Kissing your forehead and earing your puckers in my ear i miss the most. I wish things were different Mommy. I miss you. Your babygirl Tootie-

  38. Tootie says:

    Hi Mom, it’s been 8 long months. I miss you and I love you. Every time I catch 1:11 I say “hi mom”…mi.a I said it before, 40 years was not long enough for me. The others had you longer 😔💔

  39. Tootie says:

    I love you and I am thinking about you. 🙏🏾💔

  40. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I’m sorry you suffered so long and all I wanted was to keep you here with me. I love you My Blessing. You’re alive within me forever and a day. Forever my Miss Pretty 🐢 💚

  41. Tootie says:

    I still can’t believe you’re gone 💔 😔 😢 Goodnight my Blessing…no more appointments Mommy. You’ll never be out of sight out of mind when it comes to me. 🙏🏾💚 I was born for you Mommy

  42. Your Tootie says:

    Feel like I am constantly saying the same thing Mom. Everytime I see your picture here, I am in disbelief. My mind is not accepting what my eyes are seeing. I refuse to say that you’re in a better place because I know you weren’t ready to go. I know you weren’t tired of fighting…what I will say is, you nolonger have to deal with not being able to be yourself. Not being able to eat your Menudo, drive your car, play pool, go bowling, cook, eat what you want. You no longer have to be uncomfortable. I’m just so so very sorry that this is the way life turned out for us. I love you so much and I pray that I get to feel your presence and see you again one day. I don’t know what it’s like when you die, but I sure hope I’ll be with you when that time comes Mommy. I miss you my blessing. Dolla misses you. Aunty Andrea and Azzy. Goodnight my Blessing 😙💚💔

  43. Your Tootie Bug says:

    My Dear Beautiful Mother. It has been almost a year without you and still unbelievable. How unfair. I hate not having you here. I hate even more what you went through. I know I’m constantly saying the same thing, but I just can’t help how I am feeling. I’m only 41, what am I suppose to do without you? Whose here to love me the way you did. I don’t deal with any of the people who turned their backs on you. Mommy with you being sick, I really learned what family really means. That is NOTHING. I got you though Mom. In life and in death. I got you. Just the two of us. You’ll be with me forever Mommy just as I promised. I miss you and love you my Blessing.

  44. Your Tootie says:

    Hi my Blessing, my Miss Pretty…it’s been a very very very long 10 months without your beautiful face. Today you’ve been on my mind so much. I was telling Tajh today “you love me, you love me,”…I told him I use to ask you that all the time. He smiled. I love you and I miss you and you will never be forgotten Mom. Rest in peace Mommy 💔

  45. Your Tootie says:

    My beloved Mother…I miss you so very much. Wish I could bring you back healthy and vibrant as ever. I. So sorry Mom that this happened to you. You were missed on Thanksgiving but I know you were with me 💚 no more appointments Mommy. I love you

  46. Your Tootie says:

    Everytime my thoughts of you get to where I just can’t fathom, I come here. Once here seeing your picture doesn’t help. Mom I miss you so very much. There is so much more I wanted to enjoy with you. I have no family without you. Everyone who left you and put themselves before you, I’ve cut them off forever…and im okay with that. 💚 I love you my blessing. Goodnight

  47. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy I would give anything to just hold your hand again. I need you. I miss you 😔 Merry Christmas in heaven Mommy

  48. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, Happy New Year Ms. Pretty. 💚 Missing you more and more each day.

  49. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy today is Wednesday January 11th at 1230 am and I am up thinking about you. I miss you’s your birthday Mommy. You would be 67 years old today. I bought you some beautiful Balloons and a greeting card. I wish you were with me. I miss hearing you call me Tootie. I wanna feed you ice cream and came today. Life is so unfair. I’m beyond lost without you. Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy #111 💚

  50. Your Tootie says:

    Happy Birthday my Blessing…my Miss Pretty

  51. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy it has been 363 days since I’ve felt your skin. Smelled your sweet scent, held your hands, kissed your forehead, been able to tell you in person how blessed I am to have you. It’s almost a year and it is not better. I am constantly hoping this is all a dream. Almost a year without my blessing. I am speechless

  52. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy! Mommy! It’s been 1 year and 4 days! I wish I could bring you back healthy and happy. I’m so very sorry Mommy that this happened to you. I’m even more sorry that in the end, things weren’t the way they should have been with others. But Mom as I told you, it’s just me and you! I got you Mom and I always will have you. I love you. Rest Peacefully my Blessing

  53. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, 😔 I miss you

  54. Your Tootie says:

    Thinking of you! I wish I could see you and feel you and just be near you. I miss you so much

  55. Your Tootie says:

    Hi my beautiful Mother. You’ve been on my mind a lot. So much has happen in such little time. I just want you to know that you will NEVER be forgotten. I wish you were here for me to hold your hand and take care of you. Miss watching Criminal Minds with you and Court shows. Until We meet again, I’ll be missing you my blessing 💚🙏🏾

  56. Your Tootie says:

    😢 Mommy I miss you 😔

  57. Your Tootie says:


  58. Your Tootie says:

    I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won’t you say you LOVE ME TOO! I miss singing to you Mom. I miss your smell, your touch, you’re smile! I’ll never understand why any of this happened to such a beautiful strong loving person such as yourself. Missing you terribly!

  59. Your Baby Girl Stacy...Your Tootie says:

    Mom, my 1st Love! My 1st hug, my 1st kiss on the cheek, all from you! Mom you’re my everything. You always have been. I remember people would say that you spoiled me. Well if that’s the case, I pray I was able to spoil you in return. I pray that you felt an abundance of love from me. It wasn’t easy Mommy but we did it! We did it! You did it Mommy! You held on as long as you could and I love you forever and a day for that. Mom you are my blessing always and forever. My forever Miss Pretty

  60. Tootie says:

    Just waiting for the day that it doesn’t hurt so bad. I’ve thought about writing you many many times over the last 2 weeks, especially on my birthday but I stopped myself. Mom this hurts so bad. The void I feel is indescribable. I’m angry! I’m sad and miss you so much. Like a bad dream

  61. Tootie says:

    Mommy I miss you 😔🥺😪💔

  62. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy! Happy Mother’s Day my Blessing! This is the 2nd Mother’s Day without you and it was a tough one for sure! Lots of tears and loneliness not having you here to guide me and tell me I’m doing a great job! I watched a lot of videos of you today. Some of them made me laugh. Mom it was such a blessing to have all the time I had with you towards the end of your life! It was my honor to care for you and to give you the LOVE YOU DESERVED. I pray that I am making you proud. I love you today and forever 🐢💚🐢

  63. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Loving you today and always my Blessing! I miss you Mom and you’re on my mind all the time 💚

  64. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy! I miss you so very very much. I’m still trying to understand all of this. Please guide and watch over me til we meet again 💚💔

  65. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi my Blessing!!! Hi Mommy!! I’ve been thinking about you. Mom guess what? On the 24th it was Mt 10 year anniversary at my job. Isn’t that exciting.? I wish you were here to celebrate with me! I’d definitely be trying to get you that Toyota Solara that you love so much. ❤️❤️❤️ kisses Mommy. Be back soon 💚💚💚💚💚

  66. Your Tootie Bug says:

    All these minutes, moments, days, months, hours, seconds and situations come and go and you’re still not here. Mom for the life of me I can’t figure out how and why this happened to you. Whose lesson was this… they say and you use to say everything happens for a reason but I refuse to believe that when it comes to this 😪 I wish you were here and well! I love and miss you dearly. – Stacy

  67. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Sigh……. 😔💔

  68. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy…writing you here is starting not to help me feel better about you being gone. I miss you so much and so bad. 😢 Time is just going and going but you’re still not here. The worst feeling ever

  69. Your Tootie Bug says:

    I seriously still cannot believe that YOU have an obituary Mom. I miss you so much. It’s just me out here basically. No siblings or nothing. Me Azzy and aunty Andrea is all I have me that you’re gone. You’re forever in my mind and heart Mommy…❤️ I love you my blessing 😘

  70. Your Baby Girl Stacy...Tootie says:

    Hi my Blessing. My Miss Pretty. Today is August 10th at 9:55 pm. I just got home but can’t get you off my mind. Mommy I wish we could have a do-ever. I wish I had more time. 😪 I wish that you never got sick. But what I am grateful for is I had you! You trusted me! You depended on me and I needed and depended on you just as much. Mom you are beyond special to me. You were such a wonderful Mother. Thank you so much for ALWAYS being there. And I mean ALWAYS! My good memories of you are endless. Goodnight my Blessing. I love you and i miss you so much 💚🐢💚

  71. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    Not having you here to love on and to hug and to lay on your lap or shoulder is really getting to me. It’s not getting any easier Mom. 😕 I miss you so much. You have no idea.
    I am happy that you aren’t here suffering anymore, but getting sick shouldn’t have EVER happened to you anyway. You didn’t deserve that. You helped so many people and opened our home and your heart to so many. Why you Mommy?? Why 💔💔

  72. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    Goodnight my Blessing. I miss you and thinking about you 😔

  73. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    I’m here Mommy…I’m here 💚😔💔

  74. Your Stacy, Your Tootie! 💚 says:

    Today is Tuesday Oct 3rd 2023 Mom. From the moment I woke up today, you’ve been on my mind. Today I went into the office for work and I don’t know why but I had the urge to call you two separate times. On the way home you were on my mind so heavy. Today I cried for you. I cried for me. I don’t know what it’s going to take for me to be okay like I promised, but I’m trying Mom. It just feels so unfair that I have to live the rest of my life without you! Never in a million years did I imagine you would be dead! You would be gone! Like nolonger here 10 days after your 66th birthday. 😔💔 I smile a lot and I joke alot and I am ANGRY alot! I’m angry Mom! I miss you so much. I just wish you were here and happy and dancing and talking and cooking and enjoying life! You were such a pleasant woman! So loving! You were my blessing and my everything! 😔 I love you. Today is just one of those days where I couldn’t contain my pain!

  75. Your Stacy, Your Tootie! 💚 says:

    Hi Mommy…💔😔 you’re always on my mind. Can’t stop thinking about you. I pray I am in your arms again one day! I pray ill be able to feel your love and hugs 😏…I love you! 😔 💚💚💚💚💔💔💔

  76. Tootiebug says:

    Tonight Mom I have your get well soon bear in my arms. I haven’t slept with it in months but tonight I just needed me than memories. I needed a piece of you and this bear was with you when you took your last breath. Mommy I’m sorry I wasn’t there holding your hand. The thought is selfish but I don’t think I could have lived through seeing that. You’re my everything and it was already so hard watching you go slowly before my eyes. 😔😪 it has almost been 2 years 😳 💔 I wish I was hugging you and babying you and loving on you right me. I miss you Mommy.

  77. Stacy says:

    Hey Mommy! It’s almost Thanksgiving which means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me. Nothing at all. Geez the thought of you still not being here is unreal to me. I still have not come to accept this! 😪 geez mom! Smh geez! 😪 today and lately I am angry. I am angry 😠 I miss you

  78. Stacy says:

    Mommy. 💔😪 life will never be the same! I miss you and us! Our bond. How proud of me you always were. I wish I was able to fix everything for you! I pray you knew how much you meant to me and how much I love you. I’m so sorry mom for the things you had to endure. You were such a trooper and a blessing. I pray I am as strong as you always were. My forever blessing, I love you

  79. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy!! Hi my Miss Pretty! I am at work today thinking about you. You are always missed and being thought of. Dolla says hi! He so bad Mom lol…you’d definitely love him even more than you did. I know he would love you too. I’ve been thinking abt you alot. This time of year sucks but we will make the best of it. I love you to the moon and back my blessing ❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚

  80. Tootie says:

    Hey my Blessing! My Miss Pretty! I seen you lastnight in my dream!!!!!!! Thank you mommy!!! I’ve been thinking about that on and off today. The thought has been having me smiling from ear to ear Mommy! I love you with my life and I missing you for an eternity

  81. Tootie says:

    My beautiful beautiful Mother! My Blessing! This day 2 years ago was your last New Year’s Eve on this Earth. This day I spent 13 hours by your side! I didn’t know it would be my last with your flesh, but you were my priority and I wanted to be with you! Mommy it was such an honor to have you in my life and in my care! I pray that you are proud of me! I’ve been keeping promises Mommy! There are a couple things I need to do on your behalf before I leave Arizona and I will work on that in 2024. My Dear Miss Pretty. I love you beyond death! You are my reason and my lifeline. Thank you for loving me and raising me with unconditional love. I will see you again one day if God allows! 🙏🏽💚🐢💚 chat soon Mommy and Happh New Year

  82. Tootie says:

    Mommy today is your 68th birthday! I am so sad without you mom! 😢 day after day you’re not here! Life is so unfair! Jan 11th is supposed to be a day of celebration! The day you were born. Instead I’m so sad all day just thinking about you. Happy Heavenly Birthday my Blessing

  83. Tootie says:

    Mommy I wish you were here for me to lay on your lap or your chest or shoulders. I need you.. 🙏🏽😔💔

  84. Tootie says:

    Mommy it is finally the end if January! It is Grandpa’s birthday! I hope you’re both in heaven dancing and spinning and singing and praising in glory! Mommy I pray that you’re constantly watching over me. This month has been so very hard! I released some balloons for you and at went to one of the places you like to fish! I was there hoping I’d see Dolly (the turtle)…but no luck. Mom I’m so happy this month is over 😭 😢 I wish you were here and healthy. I still don’t know why this happened to you. I just don’t understand. I hurt today just as much as I did the day you left. Mommy you’re my forever angel! 💓 💚💚💚

  85. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy!!! It’s 1:11 am….I have been seeing those number so often lately. I know it’s you letting me know that you’re with me. Just now when I came here to write you, I couldn’t believe it was your face in the picture.. like WHOA my Mommy is really gone!!! I miss you dearly. 😔 if only this had happened to someone else and not you! Like maybe one of the ppl who weren’t there for you!!!!!! I know that’s mean to say but I don’t care. Anyone who wasn’t there for you doesn’t deserve to have grace. But I’m finally getting sleepy. I love you Mom! I miss you. Love your babygirl Stacy

  86. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! I seen 1:11 am again tonight. I smile slightly and say “hi mommy”… it’s 1:30 am now on February 12th. Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. Chiefs and 49 niners played. And went into overtime but I don’t know who won lol. I wasn’t paying attention. I love you so so very much. Please continue to be my guardian angel 💚

  87. Tootie says:

    Hi My Miss Pretty! My Beautiful Valentine!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day Mommy! I am missing you today and always! You will always be my Valentine and my first Love. ♥️ I pray that you are resting peacefully and in no pain! I wish I had more time with you! With all my love, your babygirl Stacy. 💓

  88. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! I love you my Blessing!!! I found a picture of you and Azzy that I have in my phone now. I don’t cry when I look at it 🤗 that’s a lil progress right. You’ve been on my mind so much. I miss you 🐢💚🐢

  89. Stacy says:

    Hi my beautiful blessing. Mommy I wish you were here living a great healthy fun life. You were cheated out of the life you deserve and I am so sorry for that. I just wanted to come though and say I love you

  90. Stacy says:

    Mommy! You’re really not here 💔😪

  91. Stacy says:

    Just came to say I miss you so very much 💔😔

  92. Stacy says:


  93. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Mom you have given me the best of you and I pray I returned that to you 10 fold! 40 yrs was just not long enough!! Goodnight my blessing! I love you for an eternity 💓

  94. Stacy says:

    Good evening my Miss Pretty!!! Mommy I have been stressed out for days!!! I had NO access to anything I needed including so many memories and pictures of you. Everything seems to be getting better though, I am slowly recovering the accesses I need. I love you my blessing!!! More than words can possibly express

  95. Stacy says:

    Good morning Mommy!!! Mom today is my birthday!!! The day you gave birth to your last babygirl! The day you birth the baby who would be with you til the end! I love and miss you so very much and I wish you were here to spend the day with me. Please keep being my guide cuz I need you now and always.

  96. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    Hi my Miss Pretty! Sigh…. You really are dead Mommy!! You really are not alive anymore 😭💔

  97. Stacy your baabygirl says:


  98. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    I wish you were here! I have so much to talk to you about. I need your wisdom, guidance and for you to just hold me and be my Mom… I am so sad without you

  99. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    Hi Mommy! Today is Mother’s Day 2024… I didn’t cry today. That’s because I acted like today was just as any other day. Mother’s Day no longer has a real meaning to me! You’re not here! You’re in my heart though!! I miss you! I wish I could feel your lips kiss my cheeks right now! Wish I could hear you call me tootie right now! Honestly I wish none of these wishes were even necessary 💔 Happy Mother’s Day My Miss Pretty!

  100. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy!!! I’ve been holding you so close and dear to my heart lately. So many emotions and things happening and I don’t have u hear to talk to about it. I pray you’re watching over me always. I miss you my sweet blessing 🐢

  101. Stacy says:

    Hi my perfect lady! Hey my Miss Pretty! Today was a tough day. Just randomly think of you. Mom I wish we could have another chance to do things over!! I’m still in such disbelief that all this mess happened to you. Mom I am trying to move through life without you physically here but you’re always on my mind. I think that’s a good thing tho! Constant reminder that I’ll never forget you! Goodnight Mommy! Please always watch over me!

  102. Stacy says:

    Hi my Dear Mommy! Today is June 14th 2024… it’s a Friday. Guess what Mom, there is a certain person who constantly makes sure I am okay. He has not forgotten about you at all. That really warms my heart. I just wanted to tell you goodnight. I’m very sleepy it’s 1122 pm… I love you mommy

  103. Tootie says:

    Hi my Miss Pretty! My beautiful blessing!!! Mommy it has really been an interesting month!! All the way down to my having to have an emergency surgery to remove my Appendix last week. You have been on my mind so much lately. Well all the time. But lately I think about how miserable you must have been in your last year! The highlight of your days was probably waking up and seeing me act a fool with you lol. I use to love to try and make you laugh!! It just really weighs on me that you weren’t yourself for so long! I still just wonder why you and how!!!!!! I wish I had a chance to do things a little differently! You would have never started off where you were! I am so so so sorry Mommy that I didn’t do better when I had the chance! I thought you were okay…until you weren’t! I had no idea things would go as they did! Mom I would give anything to hold you in my arms again! All your Drs say I gave you more life!! Mommy I wish I could have given you an eternity!! You will forever live thru me! I love you with my life!! 🐢 I love you 🐢

  104. Stacy says:

    Good morning my blessing, I’m loving you and wanted you to know you were on my mind. Please continue to watch over me Mom. And fyi you can and will NEVER be replaced

  105. Tootie says:

    Today 4 years ago mommy you finally came home with me!!!! I was sooooo happy and scared at the same time. I was clueless but I knew the love I had for you would see me through. You made it VERY easy to care and love for you Mommy! True enough some days were tough, but I can only imagine how tough they were for you!!! Mommy I’m so sorry for any of the times you needed me and I took too long to come, or times you couldn’t express yourself and I couldn’t figure out what you were trying to say. I apologize for not getting you home sooner, mommy I apologize for everything you had to go through. I only pray that in some way, you were proud of my efforts and knew that I would do ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!! I love you my blessing and I miss you so so very much!

    -your babygirl!

  106. Tootie says:

    Hi my beautiful blessing. Mom what I would give to have one more day. One more hour or one more chance to do right by you! I know I did a lot, but I feel like and I know it could have been more. If you were with me from day one, you probably would never have started to decline as fast as you did! Would you believe I still haven’t heard from your other so called daughters? But that is okay, they are NOTHING to me. All I need is you and I have that!! I have that in my heart and my spirit and my thoughts! I love you for life and beyond death!!! My beautiful Mommy, no more appointments!! Nomore pain, nomore medicine. Just peace and rest! 💚

  107. Stacy your babygirl says:

    Good morning my Blessing! My Miss Pretty! I fell asleep with you on my mind and tears slowly streaming down my face in a silent room. I closed my eyes just wishing I could feel your flesh! I wanted to hold you and kiss you cheeks and forehead. Lord I miss you so very much! So so so very much 😢💔

  108. Tootie Bug says:

    My beautiful Miss Pretty! You are so so so missed! I still have moments of denial. I have moments of some regrets. It’s crazy cuz I kinda didn’t really think that you’d die!!! 😢😭 I was so busy just taking care of you, I didn’t think about how it all would end. Sometimes I’d think it but nothing like reality!

    I love and miss you my blessing!! I promise you will live on through me ❤️

  109. Stacy says:

    Hey my favorite girl! My miss pretty! You are loved and missed dearly. You have no idea 💔

  110. Stacy says:

    Mommy I woke up with real tears 😭 Aunty Linda was in my dream. I cried cause I felt how much she loved me for you! I wish I could find her. She was watching me leave and I was telling her it wouldn’t be forever but the goodbye kind of felt that way. Mom this is not getting better not having you here. My brain is still not understanding what happened and why!!!! Never would I had imagined your life being so short. I miss you my Miss Pretty! My blessing my forever

  111. Stacy says:

    Good morning my blessing! Sigh….😔 God morning my miss pretty! I am loving and missing you so much. I need your hugs and wisdom

  112. Tootie says:

    Mommy forever is taking forever!!! Missing you forever hurts so bad. I still don’t understand the lesson but you are no longer suffering so I get it… I get it. 🙁💚

  113. Tootie says:

    Goodnight my Blessing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚💚 I love you my miss pretty

  114. Tootie says:

    Mom I constantly get these random urges to call you! It’s crazy, it be like a quick thought. Or I’ll be sitting and feeling incomplete like there is something missing or something I should be doing. It’s you mom! I miss having you here with me! Yes there were nights I was exhausted and sad and tired, but Mommy I’d do it all over again and I’d get you home sooner! You deserved so much more life! I’m really wondering what the lesson is and was in all of this. I love you and I miss you Mommy. Goodnight my Blessing 🐢 💚

  115. Stacy says:

    Hi my Beautiful Mommy!!! Don’t you ever think I forgot about you cuz that could NEVER happen!!! I think about you all the time. I’ve been busy Mom trying to maintain and I’m in school. Mom I’ve been needing you so bad lately! Smh geez I wish you were alive and well! 😞 sigh… I love you my blessing! Goodnight my Miss Pretty!!!

  116. Tootie says:

    My blessing! I wish you were here to just hold me close to your heart. You’re all that matters to me! I wish I could have taken your pain away! I’m so sorry Mommy😪💔💔💔💔💔🐢

  117. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy! Happy Halloween. Mommy this is not getting easier! I miss you! I need you! I miss so many things about you! I wish you were here to just give me that reassurance and love that only you could give. 💔

  118. Stacy says:

    I love and I miss you! 😢 💔😭😫😫😫😫😫

  119. Tootie says:

    To my beautiful Mother! My Miss Pretty! Happy Thanksgiving Mommy! This will be the first year we don’t have Cornish hens. I guess I waited too late to go to the store and they were out. I honestly don’t want to make anything. Holidays mean nothing to me this days. It’s absolutely just another day without you! There is nothing to celebrate. Anyways, I love you and I miss you more than any word could express. I wish you were here with me watching TV. I took for granted the days months and weeks and years I had with you! I wish I had done better 💔😢😭 I wish I had more time!!!! I’m so sorry Mommy!

  120. Always your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy…it is officially Thanksgiving. Remember lastnight I was saying I bought different stuff to cook? It came out better than I expected! You would have been proud and maybe would have laughed all at the same time! I did exactly what you taught me to do when you “doctor” it up lol . I wish you were here to spend the day with me. I love you and I will forever cherish your memory ❤️💚 happy Thanksgiving mommy. Goodnight

  121. Stacy says:

    Mommy I cried for you today! Walking my hair and just thinking about how things use to be and just cried… sigh…so unfair how ur life turned out! You were such a blessing to so many children and people. I don’t understand mom 😭🐢💔

  122. Stacy…ur Tootie…ur babygirl says:

    Mommy, I decorated a little in your honor. It’s heartbreaking. Didn’t make me feel better but it was worth a try right? Hey I don’t think I wrote to tell you abt the turtle I seen a few weeks ago and the trouble I almost got in when someone picked the turtle up. I was so mad when they touched the turtle 🤦🏾‍♀️🫣 I was a little embarrassed after the fact… but I meant how I felt when I told the man off. Smh lord mom lol. U would not have been happy with me but I know u understand ❤️💚… I love and miss you beyond words can express. I pray your soul is at peace Mommy

  123. Stacy says:

    Merry Christmas mommy 😕❤️💚

  124. Stacy-Tootie says:

    My Ms Pretty! My Miss Pretty! My favorite girl! Today is 12/31/2024 at 1022 PM. I love you and I miss your life and hugs and wisdom and guidance and support and just your overall being. I know I promised you I’ll be okay. I will do better in that regard Mommy! Please don’t worry and continue to guide and watch over me from the heavens above! It’s been a trying year but I know you’re with me every step of the way! I made sure of that! Goodnight my dear blessing! You are loved for an eternity

  125. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, I left a message yesterday telling you happy New Year’s Eve but I’m not sure if it went through. I don’t see it here. Mom I love and I miss you! I can’t believe it’s been 36 months without you! I feel every day of it! 💔

  126. Tootie says:

    I see the message from yesterday now! That makes me feel a little better! I’ll never forget you my Blessing 💚

  127. Your BabyGirl Stacy says:

    Just thinking of you my Miss Pretty 💚 I love and miss you. It’s almost your birthday 1/11 🥰

  128. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Happy heavenly birthday to you, happy heavenly birthday to you, happy heavenly birthday to my Mommy! Happy heavenly birthday to you! Happy 69th birthday to you my beautiful blessing! Mommy I was okay today! I know you’re watching over me and watching me. I’ll be okay Mommy! I love you and I miss you beyond expression. Today would be your 69th celebration of life! 💚💚💚💚💚

  129. Stacy says:

    I just wanted to write this note to say that you are on my mind Mom 💚🤞🏾 I love you my Ms Pretty. I miss you so much but also I’m happy you’re in no more pain. I often think about what you went through. Looking at some of the photos make me so sad! I see things now that I didn’t see before. Mommy you were so strong that you pretended to not be in pain other than your hands. I wish I could hold those hands right now the way you liked! My God I miss you and I wish I could do things differently. I wish we were rich and that you had the best of everything including meds and a cure. I’m not sure why this happened to you Mommy, but I am thankful that you trusted and allowed me to love you and that I had and have you as my Forever! My Lifeline, my Mommy

  130. Stacy says:

    I love you Mommy! Forever my Blessing! My Miss Pretty 💚

  131. Stacy says:

    Mommy January 21, 2025 makes 3 years that you have no longer been in pain! I didn’t cry today mom! But we did go somewhere to celebrate you! You and I went to the Grand Canyon!! Mom it was breathtaking and I am honored to have experienced that in your honor! I love you my blessing! Forever and always your Tootie! Your babygirl who will NEVER forget you!

  132. Stacy aka your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi my Blessing! Mom thank goodness January is almost over! Such a tough month but you would be sooo proud! 🥲 your babygirl did good mom! I did good! Loving you forever and a day! Thank you for being such a great person and role model and mother! You were truly a blessing to so many and you’ve raised me with all the good you had in you! Thank you! Chat soon my love! 😍

  133. Stacy says:

    Hi Mom, sigh…everything is okay just a little overwhelmed with some decisions I am making. I’ve been seeing these angel numbers alot and I know you are watching over me. Just wanted to say that I’m good and I’ll figure it out. Love you my Miss Pretty! I love you forever and always

  134. Stacy says:

    Mommy! No more pain, Nomore worries, nomore appointments for you! For me mommy, January 2025 is finally over… it was definitely a tough one. Happy February Mommy! Goodnight I love you 😘 🐢💚

  135. Your babygirl says:

    I’m missing u daily my Miss Pretty! 💚 GN my blessing

  136. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy! I just wanted to write you a message this evening to say I miss you and appreciate everything I had in you! I have came across so many emails and little things that just remind me how much you meant to me! Way before you got sick, you were my favorite girl! I’m so glad that I was able to tell you how much you meant to me while you were here. Goodnight my blessing! You were just on my mind 🐢 💚

  137. Tootie says:

    I love you!! Goodnight my Blessing! Kisses 😘 🙏🏽💚

  138. Tootie says:

    My sweet Valentine! My first and only Valentine! Happy Valentine’s Day Mommy! The memories I have of this day from when I was little are priceless! 🥰 Couldn’t ask for a more loving Mother and Valentine! Maybe I’ll go get me one of those cookies you use to get me. Not sure if the mall still sales them. But I may go see! I Love you Mommy. I only acknowledge this day cuz of you! 2/14/25 …Dolla misses you too Mom. He such a mischievous puppy lol

  139. Stacy says:

    Good morning my Blessing 💚 🐢

  140. Your babygirl Stacy - your Tootie says:

    Mommy just one of them days! I’m so heartbroken without you. Still waiting for the light of understanding to go off. If I could turn back the hands of time and you never got sick, that’s exactly what I’d do! I wish you never endured such pain and a short life. But Mom reality is….you’re okay now… I pray that HEAVEN is treating you well my blessing 🥰🙏🏽 love and missing you dearly 🐢

  141. Stacy says:

    Mom!!! Last night I dreamt of Turtles!!! Lots and lots of them! They were ALLLLLL OVER the place! I remember trying not to step on one there were so many. Not sure what it means but I remember smiling! ☺️ goodnight mom! Just wanted to tell you abt that! 🐢💚

  142. Tootie says:

    Hi Mom! I wish so badly that I could just understand how I’m supposed to just accept that you’re not here and what you went through. I talked about you a lot today in my session. Didn’t help… lol 😂 it’s not funny but I don’t know what else to do but laugh at this point. It’s one of them days mommy! I love you! Keep watching over me mom🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  143. Tootie says:

    Woke up with up on my mind… you were a beautiful person mom inside and out. Good morning Mommy… I l love you and missing you a lot!

  144. Stacy your Tootie Bug! says:

    Mom I’m going to continue to fight for you! I will ALWAYS be your advocate Mom! As long as I am here, I GOT YOU. I miss you so much. Words aren’t enough 💔 completely broken hearted

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Gwendolyn Brown 

January 11, 1956 – January 21, 2022

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“Gwen” as she liked to be called, was so full of love, laughter and life. One of her signature phrases that everyone would love to hear her say was “Oh Nooooo”…

Altadena California was home for Gwen, but she lived in Arizona collectively for 17 yrs. She loved the outdoors. She enjoyed Fishing, Camping, Bowling, playing Pool, Swimming, listening to music, dancing and spending time with family and friends. She was a polite, nurturing, strong woman, who was loved dearly.

Gwen made a difference in many lives. She loved working with children and helping people. From driving school buses, to running group homes for abused and neglected children, to being a foster parent and owning a childcare business; she did it all. In her latter years, she took care of adults with disabilities in her own home. That was her way of showing unconditional love to those who needed it most.

Gwen was preceded in death by her Father Stanley Sr, Mother Florine and older Brother James. She leaves behind to forever cherish her memory, 4 children; Shantell, Stephanie, Alprenice and Stacy. A daughter by blessing Aleiah, 10 Grand children, 1 Great Grandson Jayce, Brother Stanley Jr, Sister Andrea, Sister by blessing Crystal, Step Mother Josephine, Step Brother Robbie, 103 year old Aunt “Na Na” and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends who became family over the years.

Gwen would not want anyone to be sad for her, but to celebrate her. They say

“Our Fingerprints Don’t Fade From The Lives We’ve Touched” and she will NEVER be forgotten!

– Written with love by Stacy Clark

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  1. Stacy Clark says:

    I love you so very much my Blessing. I promise to make you proud and to never forget you! You know I haven’t broken any promises to you and I don’t plan to start. Mom you were my reason amongst so many other things. You kept me going and gave me strength daily. Nomore appointments Mommy. You are beyond perfect and whole! I love you and you will be with me forever

  2. Sandra F. Potter says:

    Gwen was caring, loving and nurturing person, her heart was HUGE, always helping was her way. She loved her family with all of her heart, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for family and friends. Gwen was my rock here in Arizona, I was elated when she moved back to THIS GOD FORSAKEN DESERT, she was happy, where she made her home. Gwen was a blessing to know and to be her friend, cause I HAD A TRUE FRIEND IN GWENDOLYN BROWN. Good Bye Gweenie, til we meet again❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Aleiah says:

    To be chosen to be loved is priceless. Thank you mommy for choosing to love me so dearly.
    Forever your Lay Lay

  4. Mai Barnes says:

    While I never had the opportunity to meet Gwen in person, I called her Mom. Gwen was beautiful and her personality was something that captured my heart immediately. Through Stacy, I saw her strengths and felt the love they both shared for one another. She reminded me of my mother with her strong personality and funny energy. It was a pleasure to be a part of Gwen’s life and an honor to put a smile upon her face with the few beautiful things I sent to her. She more often placed a smile upon my face. 🙂 May you rest peacefully pretty lady. You are missed!!!

    -Mai Barnes Smith

  5. Mai Barnes says:

    Hang in there Stacy! Love you

  6. Asmar Rhone says:

    I’m gonna miss you. Love you Forever n Always

  7. Paula Y Williams says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting Gwen a few years ago, and it’s not that often you meet someone who automatically makes you feel like family! She was a beautiful and loving woman, with a personality to match! My prayers go out to the family!💖💖🙏🏼🙏🏼

  8. Tana Washington says:

    How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.
    Psalm 36:7 KJV


    Dearest Stacy,

    Your Mother’s Heart Posture Was One of An Ongoing Upward, Inward and Outward Reaching, That Touched Every Area and Aspect of People’s Lives.

    Attach Every Blessing You Receive and Every Tear You Carry To Our Lord Above. Gwen Gave To Aleiah And I, Faith, Hope, Love, and Gratitude!

    Thank You Gwen For Sharing Your Love!

    I Am Forever Blessed!

    Tana (Aleiah’s Mother)

  9. Tana Washington says:

    A Majestic Sunrise Is God’s Light!!

  10. Tayjai Horton says:

    Grandma I love you. I’ll never forget the mark you left on us of love and joy. You always opened up your heart for any and everyone and I will miss you. Junie talks about you all the time, your love for your grand kids was unconditional. You loved us very much and saw past our mistakes and never made harsh judgments of our decisions. Even when I couldn’t talk to you I knew you were always routing for us. Khyjai loves you and will always miss you. We are hurting because we never got the chance to see you. But I know you are in paradise, what you deserve for the beautiful life you lived and helping others in need. Your beautiful soul grandma I will miss you so very much I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I feel your presence in my heart always I’ll never forget that contagious laugh I loved so much.. I hope your flying and peaceful and happy.. Never goodbye just a see you later. 🤎

  11. Crystal Pratt says:

    Forever my Untie Gwen…
    My sweet Untie Gwen…
    Such a amazing woman so kind and peaceful… I miss you beyond words and I thank you for always making me feel so loved and cared about…
    I remember my first time meeting you… you had the oldies playing and your drAnk in your hands smiling and laughing just enjoying life. You made me feel so comfortable and I will forever be thankful for you… I completely love you to infinity and beyond. You will never be forgotten… you are in our hearts forever ♥️ love Crystal

  12. Stacy Clark says:

    Hey my beautiful, blessing…my Miss Pretty. It’s been a very long 21 days without you Mommy. I miss you so much my blessing. More than words can ever express. Mommy we use to talk alot about important things and with your fight and I thank you again and a final time for trusting me. You trusted me to fight for you, to make decisions for you, to love you, to pray over you, to have your best interest at heart. You trusted me with your life and I cannot thank you enough. Daily I ask myself, “now what”…I still have your TV on in your room. Funny thing is, today I noticed the TV was off 🤔 hmmmm I didn’t turn it off. I think that was you, but I’m not ready Mommy so I turned it back on. 😔 Mommy I will treasure our memories and you will be with me always every step of the way. That’s why I put your name on my foot. I knew you would always walk with me. Sweet eternal dreams my Blessing
    – your Tootie

  13. Khyjai Horton says:

    Grandma Gwen 💜
    It hurts me a lot to even write this rn, my eyes keep filling up w tears.. I can’t believe your gone😭 you will forever be in my mind and heart. I love you so so much grandma.

  14. Stacy Clark says:

    Thank you everyone for your kind words for my Mother. If you click the photos, they will be clear.

  15. Stacy Clark says:

    Missing you terribly and daily. I find it so hard to walk past or anywhere near your room. It’s 10:30 at night and you’re heavily on my mind. Mom I promise I will never forgot you. I wish I had you longer. 41 years just wasn’t long enough 😔😪

  16. Deshia Douglas says:

    I love you Auntie I know I was your favorite niece I miss you and I hope your watching over me I love you so much you are my favorite auntie I never got to visit but I thought about you every day I love you see you again

  17. Stacy Clark says:

    Mommy today marks 1 full month without you in my care. Today is just as hard as day one. Nothing is getting easier Mom. I know you’re happy that there are nomore appointments, but the selfish part of me just wishes you were here. I miss Watching TV with you, combing your hair, chatting, laughing and getting in bed with you. There is just so very much that I miss about you. One month down and an eternity to go without my blessing here. But you’re forever in my heart. Don’t forget the Turtles Mommy 💚

  18. Tootie says:

    Hey there my Blessing! I’m missing you so very much Mom. I’m in an unbelievable amount of denial. Today March 2nd, your TV is still on in your room. 😔 I went back to work on Monday. It’s very different not having your monitor on my desk and not being able to run in and watch Paternity Court with you on my break or ION TV….Mommy, home doesn’t feel like home not having your flesh here. I miss you Miss Pretty. Why did this have to happen to you? I miss you Mommy 😔💔

  19. Alprenice Horton Jr. says:

    Grandmaaaa 😭 I love you so dearly & will forever miss you & think of you on a constant basics 💙 you mean everything to me & all of us down here that’s gonna be missing you each & everyday ! All I know grandma is you were one of the strongest womans I knoe that always broke her bac for the family to make sure everyone was happy . I’m going to miss how you always would bring the family together & have are lil bbq & get togethers 😭 this really hurts me deeply but I know that your & a way better place now , with no pain or worry’s grandma 💙💙💙 please watch over all of us grandma I will be Bac with you one day grandma 🤞🏾💙 until then I love you GRANDMA GWEM 💙💙💙‼

  20. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! It’s Stacy…again. I’m having a sad day thinking about how much I miss you. I was looking at this lady on TV play tennis and her legs reminded me of yours. Remember how much you use to love your legs and how strong they were? Mom you have left me with so very many memories. I thank you so much for that. I couldn’t have asked for a better Mother. I miss you so much and I love you. I pray that you are resting peacefully my Blessing. Today makes 7 weeks. I’m still NOT okay 😪🙏🏾

  21. Stacy says:

    You are on my mind as always. I love you forever my blessing 😔🐢 No more appointments Mommy! No more appointments 🙏🏾

  22. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. I’m just coming by to leave you a message of love. Not a day that goes by I don’t think of you. You are missed dearly Mom. If I could change things for you I swear I would. I really miss you. Continue to rest my blessing

  23. Stacy (Tootie) says:

    Mom it has been a very very long 3 months without you. I just turned 41 on Sunday. You would be happy to know that I didn’t sit home sad all day. I thought about it but I knew that wouldn’t be good and you wouldn’t want that for me. Dolla misses you. I catch him coming out of your room sometimes. This place is not the same without you. I don’t even want to live here anymore. Mom I pray that your soul is at peace, I pray that you are watching over me and guiding me as you always have. Please be the set of footprints that carry me when I don’t have the strength to carry myself. 🙏🏾 I love you for an eternity Mommy. I will always be your keeper 💚

  24. Stacy says:

    I miss you more and more each day

  25. Your babygirl Tootie says:

    Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day my Blessing! I miss you so very very much Mommy 💔

  26. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. Geez I am missing you terribly. I went in your room the other day and just broke down. My mind is still not accepting that you’re not here and it’s been 4 months. I think about you all the time. You are forever my Blessing, my Miss Pretty. I love you you love me, we’re a happy family. Love always Mom 🙏🏾

  27. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Good morning my Blessing! Happy Memorial Day Mom…it’s really just another day to cook lol. I wish you were here with me physically. I know you’re keeping me company in spirit. I initially had so much planned for you in my mind for today but nothing has come together as I thought it would. It’s okay though, you are here with me and I forever love you. Chat soon Mom. I love you for an eternity 💓

  28. Tootie says:

    💚🐢💚 love you forever. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart Mommy. I pray that your soul is resting. No more appointments 😪 💔 I miss you

  29. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy. Today makes 5 months since you’ve been gone. I’m still in disbelief. None of this seems real. 😕 💔 heartbroken is an understatement. I wish you were here and well! I wish this wasn’t what was in store for you. I love you so much and I miss you. 🙏🏾 nomore appointments Mommy

  30. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Hey Mommy. Today is July 5th. I really missed you yesterday. Well I miss you terribly every day. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. Dolla misses you as well. He cried when I played the video of your speech therapy. Mommy I wish I could turn back the hands of time just to get more time with you. 40 years just wasn’t enough. I needed more time 😔💔

  31. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Good morning Mommy. It’s been 6 months since I’ve held your hand. Since I’ve kissed your soft skin. Since I’ve been able to smell your beautiful scent. This just doesn’t seem real. Feels like a long nightmare 😔💔 nomore appointments Mommy. I love you my Miss Pretty. Rest In Peace 🙏🏾 😢

  32. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    Still can’t believe you’re gone so soon 😢

  33. Forever your Tootie Bug says:

    NEVER WILL I FORGET YOU MOMMY 😔 Life is just not the same without you. How cruel life is for the way things happen. 💔

  34. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy…every time I come here and see your picture, it just seems and feels unbelievable. I still cannot believe that you’re gone. I just wasn’t ready Mom. 😩 just really wasn’t ready. I know you’re not miserable anymore but I just hate that this happened to you. Please be my forever Angel. #111 forever my Blessing my Miss Pretty

  35. Stacy says:

    I just wasn’t ready Mom. I just wasn’t ready. I miss you so very much. What I wouldn’t give to have you back here with me and well. Missing you and needing you 💔🙏🏾

    • Stacy says:

      Hi Mom! I was thinking about you today. Well I think about you everyday as I told you before. Not having you in my life is just so unfair. No matter the age, I will never outgrow loving and needing you. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and great childhood. There is nothing I would change when it comes to having you as my Mom. I pray you are in peace Mommy 🙏🏾…I’m not but I am working on it 🐢 I love you my blessing!

  36. Stacy says:

    Hi Mom! I was thinking about you today. Well I think about you everyday as I told you before. Not having you in my life is just so unfair. No matter the age, I will never outgrow loving and needing you. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and great childhood. There is nothing I would change when it comes to having you as my Mom. I pray you are in peace Mommy 🙏🏾…I’m not but I am working on it 🐢 I love you my blessing!

  37. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy it’s me again…having one of those moments where I wish I could just lay on your chest like I use too. Hold your hand, massage your temples, prepare you for bed. Kissing your forehead and earing your puckers in my ear i miss the most. I wish things were different Mommy. I miss you. Your babygirl Tootie-

  38. Tootie says:

    Hi Mom, it’s been 8 long months. I miss you and I love you. Every time I catch 1:11 I say “hi mom”…mi.a I said it before, 40 years was not long enough for me. The others had you longer 😔💔

  39. Tootie says:

    I love you and I am thinking about you. 🙏🏾💔

  40. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I’m sorry you suffered so long and all I wanted was to keep you here with me. I love you My Blessing. You’re alive within me forever and a day. Forever my Miss Pretty 🐢 💚

  41. Tootie says:

    I still can’t believe you’re gone 💔 😔 😢 Goodnight my Blessing…no more appointments Mommy. You’ll never be out of sight out of mind when it comes to me. 🙏🏾💚 I was born for you Mommy

  42. Your Tootie says:

    Feel like I am constantly saying the same thing Mom. Everytime I see your picture here, I am in disbelief. My mind is not accepting what my eyes are seeing. I refuse to say that you’re in a better place because I know you weren’t ready to go. I know you weren’t tired of fighting…what I will say is, you nolonger have to deal with not being able to be yourself. Not being able to eat your Menudo, drive your car, play pool, go bowling, cook, eat what you want. You no longer have to be uncomfortable. I’m just so so very sorry that this is the way life turned out for us. I love you so much and I pray that I get to feel your presence and see you again one day. I don’t know what it’s like when you die, but I sure hope I’ll be with you when that time comes Mommy. I miss you my blessing. Dolla misses you. Aunty Andrea and Azzy. Goodnight my Blessing 😙💚💔

  43. Your Tootie Bug says:

    My Dear Beautiful Mother. It has been almost a year without you and still unbelievable. How unfair. I hate not having you here. I hate even more what you went through. I know I’m constantly saying the same thing, but I just can’t help how I am feeling. I’m only 41, what am I suppose to do without you? Whose here to love me the way you did. I don’t deal with any of the people who turned their backs on you. Mommy with you being sick, I really learned what family really means. That is NOTHING. I got you though Mom. In life and in death. I got you. Just the two of us. You’ll be with me forever Mommy just as I promised. I miss you and love you my Blessing.

  44. Your Tootie says:

    Hi my Blessing, my Miss Pretty…it’s been a very very very long 10 months without your beautiful face. Today you’ve been on my mind so much. I was telling Tajh today “you love me, you love me,”…I told him I use to ask you that all the time. He smiled. I love you and I miss you and you will never be forgotten Mom. Rest in peace Mommy 💔

  45. Your Tootie says:

    My beloved Mother…I miss you so very much. Wish I could bring you back healthy and vibrant as ever. I. So sorry Mom that this happened to you. You were missed on Thanksgiving but I know you were with me 💚 no more appointments Mommy. I love you

  46. Your Tootie says:

    Everytime my thoughts of you get to where I just can’t fathom, I come here. Once here seeing your picture doesn’t help. Mom I miss you so very much. There is so much more I wanted to enjoy with you. I have no family without you. Everyone who left you and put themselves before you, I’ve cut them off forever…and im okay with that. 💚 I love you my blessing. Goodnight

  47. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy I would give anything to just hold your hand again. I need you. I miss you 😔 Merry Christmas in heaven Mommy

  48. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, Happy New Year Ms. Pretty. 💚 Missing you more and more each day.

  49. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy today is Wednesday January 11th at 1230 am and I am up thinking about you. I miss you’s your birthday Mommy. You would be 67 years old today. I bought you some beautiful Balloons and a greeting card. I wish you were with me. I miss hearing you call me Tootie. I wanna feed you ice cream and came today. Life is so unfair. I’m beyond lost without you. Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy #111 💚

  50. Your Tootie says:

    Happy Birthday my Blessing…my Miss Pretty

  51. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy it has been 363 days since I’ve felt your skin. Smelled your sweet scent, held your hands, kissed your forehead, been able to tell you in person how blessed I am to have you. It’s almost a year and it is not better. I am constantly hoping this is all a dream. Almost a year without my blessing. I am speechless

  52. Your Tootie says:

    Mommy! Mommy! It’s been 1 year and 4 days! I wish I could bring you back healthy and happy. I’m so very sorry Mommy that this happened to you. I’m even more sorry that in the end, things weren’t the way they should have been with others. But Mom as I told you, it’s just me and you! I got you Mom and I always will have you. I love you. Rest Peacefully my Blessing

  53. Your Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, 😔 I miss you

  54. Your Tootie says:

    Thinking of you! I wish I could see you and feel you and just be near you. I miss you so much

  55. Your Tootie says:

    Hi my beautiful Mother. You’ve been on my mind a lot. So much has happen in such little time. I just want you to know that you will NEVER be forgotten. I wish you were here for me to hold your hand and take care of you. Miss watching Criminal Minds with you and Court shows. Until We meet again, I’ll be missing you my blessing 💚🙏🏾

  56. Your Tootie says:

    😢 Mommy I miss you 😔

  57. Your Tootie says:


  58. Your Tootie says:

    I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won’t you say you LOVE ME TOO! I miss singing to you Mom. I miss your smell, your touch, you’re smile! I’ll never understand why any of this happened to such a beautiful strong loving person such as yourself. Missing you terribly!

  59. Your Baby Girl Stacy...Your Tootie says:

    Mom, my 1st Love! My 1st hug, my 1st kiss on the cheek, all from you! Mom you’re my everything. You always have been. I remember people would say that you spoiled me. Well if that’s the case, I pray I was able to spoil you in return. I pray that you felt an abundance of love from me. It wasn’t easy Mommy but we did it! We did it! You did it Mommy! You held on as long as you could and I love you forever and a day for that. Mom you are my blessing always and forever. My forever Miss Pretty

  60. Tootie says:

    Just waiting for the day that it doesn’t hurt so bad. I’ve thought about writing you many many times over the last 2 weeks, especially on my birthday but I stopped myself. Mom this hurts so bad. The void I feel is indescribable. I’m angry! I’m sad and miss you so much. Like a bad dream

  61. Tootie says:

    Mommy I miss you 😔🥺😪💔

  62. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy! Happy Mother’s Day my Blessing! This is the 2nd Mother’s Day without you and it was a tough one for sure! Lots of tears and loneliness not having you here to guide me and tell me I’m doing a great job! I watched a lot of videos of you today. Some of them made me laugh. Mom it was such a blessing to have all the time I had with you towards the end of your life! It was my honor to care for you and to give you the LOVE YOU DESERVED. I pray that I am making you proud. I love you today and forever 🐢💚🐢

  63. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Loving you today and always my Blessing! I miss you Mom and you’re on my mind all the time 💚

  64. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy! I miss you so very very much. I’m still trying to understand all of this. Please guide and watch over me til we meet again 💚💔

  65. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi my Blessing!!! Hi Mommy!! I’ve been thinking about you. Mom guess what? On the 24th it was Mt 10 year anniversary at my job. Isn’t that exciting.? I wish you were here to celebrate with me! I’d definitely be trying to get you that Toyota Solara that you love so much. ❤️❤️❤️ kisses Mommy. Be back soon 💚💚💚💚💚

  66. Your Tootie Bug says:

    All these minutes, moments, days, months, hours, seconds and situations come and go and you’re still not here. Mom for the life of me I can’t figure out how and why this happened to you. Whose lesson was this… they say and you use to say everything happens for a reason but I refuse to believe that when it comes to this 😪 I wish you were here and well! I love and miss you dearly. – Stacy

  67. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Sigh……. 😔💔

  68. Your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy…writing you here is starting not to help me feel better about you being gone. I miss you so much and so bad. 😢 Time is just going and going but you’re still not here. The worst feeling ever

  69. Your Tootie Bug says:

    I seriously still cannot believe that YOU have an obituary Mom. I miss you so much. It’s just me out here basically. No siblings or nothing. Me Azzy and aunty Andrea is all I have me that you’re gone. You’re forever in my mind and heart Mommy…❤️ I love you my blessing 😘

  70. Your Baby Girl Stacy...Tootie says:

    Hi my Blessing. My Miss Pretty. Today is August 10th at 9:55 pm. I just got home but can’t get you off my mind. Mommy I wish we could have a do-ever. I wish I had more time. 😪 I wish that you never got sick. But what I am grateful for is I had you! You trusted me! You depended on me and I needed and depended on you just as much. Mom you are beyond special to me. You were such a wonderful Mother. Thank you so much for ALWAYS being there. And I mean ALWAYS! My good memories of you are endless. Goodnight my Blessing. I love you and i miss you so much 💚🐢💚

  71. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    Not having you here to love on and to hug and to lay on your lap or shoulder is really getting to me. It’s not getting any easier Mom. 😕 I miss you so much. You have no idea.
    I am happy that you aren’t here suffering anymore, but getting sick shouldn’t have EVER happened to you anyway. You didn’t deserve that. You helped so many people and opened our home and your heart to so many. Why you Mommy?? Why 💔💔

  72. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    Goodnight my Blessing. I miss you and thinking about you 😔

  73. Your Tootie Bug Stacy says:

    I’m here Mommy…I’m here 💚😔💔

  74. Your Stacy, Your Tootie! 💚 says:

    Today is Tuesday Oct 3rd 2023 Mom. From the moment I woke up today, you’ve been on my mind. Today I went into the office for work and I don’t know why but I had the urge to call you two separate times. On the way home you were on my mind so heavy. Today I cried for you. I cried for me. I don’t know what it’s going to take for me to be okay like I promised, but I’m trying Mom. It just feels so unfair that I have to live the rest of my life without you! Never in a million years did I imagine you would be dead! You would be gone! Like nolonger here 10 days after your 66th birthday. 😔💔 I smile a lot and I joke alot and I am ANGRY alot! I’m angry Mom! I miss you so much. I just wish you were here and happy and dancing and talking and cooking and enjoying life! You were such a pleasant woman! So loving! You were my blessing and my everything! 😔 I love you. Today is just one of those days where I couldn’t contain my pain!

  75. Your Stacy, Your Tootie! 💚 says:

    Hi Mommy…💔😔 you’re always on my mind. Can’t stop thinking about you. I pray I am in your arms again one day! I pray ill be able to feel your love and hugs 😏…I love you! 😔 💚💚💚💚💔💔💔

  76. Tootiebug says:

    Tonight Mom I have your get well soon bear in my arms. I haven’t slept with it in months but tonight I just needed me than memories. I needed a piece of you and this bear was with you when you took your last breath. Mommy I’m sorry I wasn’t there holding your hand. The thought is selfish but I don’t think I could have lived through seeing that. You’re my everything and it was already so hard watching you go slowly before my eyes. 😔😪 it has almost been 2 years 😳 💔 I wish I was hugging you and babying you and loving on you right me. I miss you Mommy.

  77. Stacy says:

    Hey Mommy! It’s almost Thanksgiving which means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me. Nothing at all. Geez the thought of you still not being here is unreal to me. I still have not come to accept this! 😪 geez mom! Smh geez! 😪 today and lately I am angry. I am angry 😠 I miss you

  78. Stacy says:

    Mommy. 💔😪 life will never be the same! I miss you and us! Our bond. How proud of me you always were. I wish I was able to fix everything for you! I pray you knew how much you meant to me and how much I love you. I’m so sorry mom for the things you had to endure. You were such a trooper and a blessing. I pray I am as strong as you always were. My forever blessing, I love you

  79. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy!! Hi my Miss Pretty! I am at work today thinking about you. You are always missed and being thought of. Dolla says hi! He so bad Mom lol…you’d definitely love him even more than you did. I know he would love you too. I’ve been thinking abt you alot. This time of year sucks but we will make the best of it. I love you to the moon and back my blessing ❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚

  80. Tootie says:

    Hey my Blessing! My Miss Pretty! I seen you lastnight in my dream!!!!!!! Thank you mommy!!! I’ve been thinking about that on and off today. The thought has been having me smiling from ear to ear Mommy! I love you with my life and I missing you for an eternity

  81. Tootie says:

    My beautiful beautiful Mother! My Blessing! This day 2 years ago was your last New Year’s Eve on this Earth. This day I spent 13 hours by your side! I didn’t know it would be my last with your flesh, but you were my priority and I wanted to be with you! Mommy it was such an honor to have you in my life and in my care! I pray that you are proud of me! I’ve been keeping promises Mommy! There are a couple things I need to do on your behalf before I leave Arizona and I will work on that in 2024. My Dear Miss Pretty. I love you beyond death! You are my reason and my lifeline. Thank you for loving me and raising me with unconditional love. I will see you again one day if God allows! 🙏🏽💚🐢💚 chat soon Mommy and Happh New Year

  82. Tootie says:

    Mommy today is your 68th birthday! I am so sad without you mom! 😢 day after day you’re not here! Life is so unfair! Jan 11th is supposed to be a day of celebration! The day you were born. Instead I’m so sad all day just thinking about you. Happy Heavenly Birthday my Blessing

  83. Tootie says:

    Mommy I wish you were here for me to lay on your lap or your chest or shoulders. I need you.. 🙏🏽😔💔

  84. Tootie says:

    Mommy it is finally the end if January! It is Grandpa’s birthday! I hope you’re both in heaven dancing and spinning and singing and praising in glory! Mommy I pray that you’re constantly watching over me. This month has been so very hard! I released some balloons for you and at went to one of the places you like to fish! I was there hoping I’d see Dolly (the turtle)…but no luck. Mom I’m so happy this month is over 😭 😢 I wish you were here and healthy. I still don’t know why this happened to you. I just don’t understand. I hurt today just as much as I did the day you left. Mommy you’re my forever angel! 💓 💚💚💚

  85. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy!!! It’s 1:11 am….I have been seeing those number so often lately. I know it’s you letting me know that you’re with me. Just now when I came here to write you, I couldn’t believe it was your face in the picture.. like WHOA my Mommy is really gone!!! I miss you dearly. 😔 if only this had happened to someone else and not you! Like maybe one of the ppl who weren’t there for you!!!!!! I know that’s mean to say but I don’t care. Anyone who wasn’t there for you doesn’t deserve to have grace. But I’m finally getting sleepy. I love you Mom! I miss you. Love your babygirl Stacy

  86. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! I seen 1:11 am again tonight. I smile slightly and say “hi mommy”… it’s 1:30 am now on February 12th. Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. Chiefs and 49 niners played. And went into overtime but I don’t know who won lol. I wasn’t paying attention. I love you so so very much. Please continue to be my guardian angel 💚

  87. Tootie says:

    Hi My Miss Pretty! My Beautiful Valentine!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day Mommy! I am missing you today and always! You will always be my Valentine and my first Love. ♥️ I pray that you are resting peacefully and in no pain! I wish I had more time with you! With all my love, your babygirl Stacy. 💓

  88. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy! I love you my Blessing!!! I found a picture of you and Azzy that I have in my phone now. I don’t cry when I look at it 🤗 that’s a lil progress right. You’ve been on my mind so much. I miss you 🐢💚🐢

  89. Stacy says:

    Hi my beautiful blessing. Mommy I wish you were here living a great healthy fun life. You were cheated out of the life you deserve and I am so sorry for that. I just wanted to come though and say I love you

  90. Stacy says:

    Mommy! You’re really not here 💔😪

  91. Stacy says:

    Just came to say I miss you so very much 💔😔

  92. Stacy says:


  93. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Mom you have given me the best of you and I pray I returned that to you 10 fold! 40 yrs was just not long enough!! Goodnight my blessing! I love you for an eternity 💓

  94. Stacy says:

    Good evening my Miss Pretty!!! Mommy I have been stressed out for days!!! I had NO access to anything I needed including so many memories and pictures of you. Everything seems to be getting better though, I am slowly recovering the accesses I need. I love you my blessing!!! More than words can possibly express

  95. Stacy says:

    Good morning Mommy!!! Mom today is my birthday!!! The day you gave birth to your last babygirl! The day you birth the baby who would be with you til the end! I love and miss you so very much and I wish you were here to spend the day with me. Please keep being my guide cuz I need you now and always.

  96. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    Hi my Miss Pretty! Sigh…. You really are dead Mommy!! You really are not alive anymore 😭💔

  97. Stacy your baabygirl says:


  98. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    I wish you were here! I have so much to talk to you about. I need your wisdom, guidance and for you to just hold me and be my Mom… I am so sad without you

  99. Stacy your baabygirl says:

    Hi Mommy! Today is Mother’s Day 2024… I didn’t cry today. That’s because I acted like today was just as any other day. Mother’s Day no longer has a real meaning to me! You’re not here! You’re in my heart though!! I miss you! I wish I could feel your lips kiss my cheeks right now! Wish I could hear you call me tootie right now! Honestly I wish none of these wishes were even necessary 💔 Happy Mother’s Day My Miss Pretty!

  100. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy!!! I’ve been holding you so close and dear to my heart lately. So many emotions and things happening and I don’t have u hear to talk to about it. I pray you’re watching over me always. I miss you my sweet blessing 🐢

  101. Stacy says:

    Hi my perfect lady! Hey my Miss Pretty! Today was a tough day. Just randomly think of you. Mom I wish we could have another chance to do things over!! I’m still in such disbelief that all this mess happened to you. Mom I am trying to move through life without you physically here but you’re always on my mind. I think that’s a good thing tho! Constant reminder that I’ll never forget you! Goodnight Mommy! Please always watch over me!

  102. Stacy says:

    Hi my Dear Mommy! Today is June 14th 2024… it’s a Friday. Guess what Mom, there is a certain person who constantly makes sure I am okay. He has not forgotten about you at all. That really warms my heart. I just wanted to tell you goodnight. I’m very sleepy it’s 1122 pm… I love you mommy

  103. Tootie says:

    Hi my Miss Pretty! My beautiful blessing!!! Mommy it has really been an interesting month!! All the way down to my having to have an emergency surgery to remove my Appendix last week. You have been on my mind so much lately. Well all the time. But lately I think about how miserable you must have been in your last year! The highlight of your days was probably waking up and seeing me act a fool with you lol. I use to love to try and make you laugh!! It just really weighs on me that you weren’t yourself for so long! I still just wonder why you and how!!!!!! I wish I had a chance to do things a little differently! You would have never started off where you were! I am so so so sorry Mommy that I didn’t do better when I had the chance! I thought you were okay…until you weren’t! I had no idea things would go as they did! Mom I would give anything to hold you in my arms again! All your Drs say I gave you more life!! Mommy I wish I could have given you an eternity!! You will forever live thru me! I love you with my life!! 🐢 I love you 🐢

  104. Stacy says:

    Good morning my blessing, I’m loving you and wanted you to know you were on my mind. Please continue to watch over me Mom. And fyi you can and will NEVER be replaced

  105. Tootie says:

    Today 4 years ago mommy you finally came home with me!!!! I was sooooo happy and scared at the same time. I was clueless but I knew the love I had for you would see me through. You made it VERY easy to care and love for you Mommy! True enough some days were tough, but I can only imagine how tough they were for you!!! Mommy I’m so sorry for any of the times you needed me and I took too long to come, or times you couldn’t express yourself and I couldn’t figure out what you were trying to say. I apologize for not getting you home sooner, mommy I apologize for everything you had to go through. I only pray that in some way, you were proud of my efforts and knew that I would do ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!! I love you my blessing and I miss you so so very much!

    -your babygirl!

  106. Tootie says:

    Hi my beautiful blessing. Mom what I would give to have one more day. One more hour or one more chance to do right by you! I know I did a lot, but I feel like and I know it could have been more. If you were with me from day one, you probably would never have started to decline as fast as you did! Would you believe I still haven’t heard from your other so called daughters? But that is okay, they are NOTHING to me. All I need is you and I have that!! I have that in my heart and my spirit and my thoughts! I love you for life and beyond death!!! My beautiful Mommy, no more appointments!! Nomore pain, nomore medicine. Just peace and rest! 💚

  107. Stacy your babygirl says:

    Good morning my Blessing! My Miss Pretty! I fell asleep with you on my mind and tears slowly streaming down my face in a silent room. I closed my eyes just wishing I could feel your flesh! I wanted to hold you and kiss you cheeks and forehead. Lord I miss you so very much! So so so very much 😢💔

  108. Tootie Bug says:

    My beautiful Miss Pretty! You are so so so missed! I still have moments of denial. I have moments of some regrets. It’s crazy cuz I kinda didn’t really think that you’d die!!! 😢😭 I was so busy just taking care of you, I didn’t think about how it all would end. Sometimes I’d think it but nothing like reality!

    I love and miss you my blessing!! I promise you will live on through me ❤️

  109. Stacy says:

    Hey my favorite girl! My miss pretty! You are loved and missed dearly. You have no idea 💔

  110. Stacy says:

    Mommy I woke up with real tears 😭 Aunty Linda was in my dream. I cried cause I felt how much she loved me for you! I wish I could find her. She was watching me leave and I was telling her it wouldn’t be forever but the goodbye kind of felt that way. Mom this is not getting better not having you here. My brain is still not understanding what happened and why!!!! Never would I had imagined your life being so short. I miss you my Miss Pretty! My blessing my forever

  111. Stacy says:

    Good morning my blessing! Sigh….😔 God morning my miss pretty! I am loving and missing you so much. I need your hugs and wisdom

  112. Tootie says:

    Mommy forever is taking forever!!! Missing you forever hurts so bad. I still don’t understand the lesson but you are no longer suffering so I get it… I get it. 🙁💚

  113. Tootie says:

    Goodnight my Blessing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚💚 I love you my miss pretty

  114. Tootie says:

    Mom I constantly get these random urges to call you! It’s crazy, it be like a quick thought. Or I’ll be sitting and feeling incomplete like there is something missing or something I should be doing. It’s you mom! I miss having you here with me! Yes there were nights I was exhausted and sad and tired, but Mommy I’d do it all over again and I’d get you home sooner! You deserved so much more life! I’m really wondering what the lesson is and was in all of this. I love you and I miss you Mommy. Goodnight my Blessing 🐢 💚

  115. Stacy says:

    Hi my Beautiful Mommy!!! Don’t you ever think I forgot about you cuz that could NEVER happen!!! I think about you all the time. I’ve been busy Mom trying to maintain and I’m in school. Mom I’ve been needing you so bad lately! Smh geez I wish you were alive and well! 😞 sigh… I love you my blessing! Goodnight my Miss Pretty!!!

  116. Tootie says:

    My blessing! I wish you were here to just hold me close to your heart. You’re all that matters to me! I wish I could have taken your pain away! I’m so sorry Mommy😪💔💔💔💔💔🐢

  117. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy! Happy Halloween. Mommy this is not getting easier! I miss you! I need you! I miss so many things about you! I wish you were here to just give me that reassurance and love that only you could give. 💔

  118. Stacy says:

    I love and I miss you! 😢 💔😭😫😫😫😫😫

  119. Tootie says:

    To my beautiful Mother! My Miss Pretty! Happy Thanksgiving Mommy! This will be the first year we don’t have Cornish hens. I guess I waited too late to go to the store and they were out. I honestly don’t want to make anything. Holidays mean nothing to me this days. It’s absolutely just another day without you! There is nothing to celebrate. Anyways, I love you and I miss you more than any word could express. I wish you were here with me watching TV. I took for granted the days months and weeks and years I had with you! I wish I had done better 💔😢😭 I wish I had more time!!!! I’m so sorry Mommy!

  120. Always your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi Mommy…it is officially Thanksgiving. Remember lastnight I was saying I bought different stuff to cook? It came out better than I expected! You would have been proud and maybe would have laughed all at the same time! I did exactly what you taught me to do when you “doctor” it up lol . I wish you were here to spend the day with me. I love you and I will forever cherish your memory ❤️💚 happy Thanksgiving mommy. Goodnight

  121. Stacy says:

    Mommy I cried for you today! Walking my hair and just thinking about how things use to be and just cried… sigh…so unfair how ur life turned out! You were such a blessing to so many children and people. I don’t understand mom 😭🐢💔

  122. Stacy…ur Tootie…ur babygirl says:

    Mommy, I decorated a little in your honor. It’s heartbreaking. Didn’t make me feel better but it was worth a try right? Hey I don’t think I wrote to tell you abt the turtle I seen a few weeks ago and the trouble I almost got in when someone picked the turtle up. I was so mad when they touched the turtle 🤦🏾‍♀️🫣 I was a little embarrassed after the fact… but I meant how I felt when I told the man off. Smh lord mom lol. U would not have been happy with me but I know u understand ❤️💚… I love and miss you beyond words can express. I pray your soul is at peace Mommy

  123. Stacy says:

    Merry Christmas mommy 😕❤️💚

  124. Stacy-Tootie says:

    My Ms Pretty! My Miss Pretty! My favorite girl! Today is 12/31/2024 at 1022 PM. I love you and I miss your life and hugs and wisdom and guidance and support and just your overall being. I know I promised you I’ll be okay. I will do better in that regard Mommy! Please don’t worry and continue to guide and watch over me from the heavens above! It’s been a trying year but I know you’re with me every step of the way! I made sure of that! Goodnight my dear blessing! You are loved for an eternity

  125. Tootie says:

    Hi Mommy, I left a message yesterday telling you happy New Year’s Eve but I’m not sure if it went through. I don’t see it here. Mom I love and I miss you! I can’t believe it’s been 36 months without you! I feel every day of it! 💔

  126. Tootie says:

    I see the message from yesterday now! That makes me feel a little better! I’ll never forget you my Blessing 💚

  127. Your BabyGirl Stacy says:

    Just thinking of you my Miss Pretty 💚 I love and miss you. It’s almost your birthday 1/11 🥰

  128. Your babygirl Stacy says:

    Happy heavenly birthday to you, happy heavenly birthday to you, happy heavenly birthday to my Mommy! Happy heavenly birthday to you! Happy 69th birthday to you my beautiful blessing! Mommy I was okay today! I know you’re watching over me and watching me. I’ll be okay Mommy! I love you and I miss you beyond expression. Today would be your 69th celebration of life! 💚💚💚💚💚

  129. Stacy says:

    I just wanted to write this note to say that you are on my mind Mom 💚🤞🏾 I love you my Ms Pretty. I miss you so much but also I’m happy you’re in no more pain. I often think about what you went through. Looking at some of the photos make me so sad! I see things now that I didn’t see before. Mommy you were so strong that you pretended to not be in pain other than your hands. I wish I could hold those hands right now the way you liked! My God I miss you and I wish I could do things differently. I wish we were rich and that you had the best of everything including meds and a cure. I’m not sure why this happened to you Mommy, but I am thankful that you trusted and allowed me to love you and that I had and have you as my Forever! My Lifeline, my Mommy

  130. Stacy says:

    I love you Mommy! Forever my Blessing! My Miss Pretty 💚

  131. Stacy says:

    Mommy January 21, 2025 makes 3 years that you have no longer been in pain! I didn’t cry today mom! But we did go somewhere to celebrate you! You and I went to the Grand Canyon!! Mom it was breathtaking and I am honored to have experienced that in your honor! I love you my blessing! Forever and always your Tootie! Your babygirl who will NEVER forget you!

  132. Stacy aka your Tootie Bug says:

    Hi my Blessing! Mom thank goodness January is almost over! Such a tough month but you would be sooo proud! 🥲 your babygirl did good mom! I did good! Loving you forever and a day! Thank you for being such a great person and role model and mother! You were truly a blessing to so many and you’ve raised me with all the good you had in you! Thank you! Chat soon my love! 😍

  133. Stacy says:

    Hi Mom, sigh…everything is okay just a little overwhelmed with some decisions I am making. I’ve been seeing these angel numbers alot and I know you are watching over me. Just wanted to say that I’m good and I’ll figure it out. Love you my Miss Pretty! I love you forever and always

  134. Stacy says:

    Mommy! No more pain, Nomore worries, nomore appointments for you! For me mommy, January 2025 is finally over… it was definitely a tough one. Happy February Mommy! Goodnight I love you 😘 🐢💚

  135. Your babygirl says:

    I’m missing u daily my Miss Pretty! 💚 GN my blessing

  136. Stacy says:

    Hi Mommy! I just wanted to write you a message this evening to say I miss you and appreciate everything I had in you! I have came across so many emails and little things that just remind me how much you meant to me! Way before you got sick, you were my favorite girl! I’m so glad that I was able to tell you how much you meant to me while you were here. Goodnight my blessing! You were just on my mind 🐢 💚

  137. Tootie says:

    I love you!! Goodnight my Blessing! Kisses 😘 🙏🏽💚

  138. Tootie says:

    My sweet Valentine! My first and only Valentine! Happy Valentine’s Day Mommy! The memories I have of this day from when I was little are priceless! 🥰 Couldn’t ask for a more loving Mother and Valentine! Maybe I’ll go get me one of those cookies you use to get me. Not sure if the mall still sales them. But I may go see! I Love you Mommy. I only acknowledge this day cuz of you! 2/14/25 …Dolla misses you too Mom. He such a mischievous puppy lol

  139. Stacy says:

    Good morning my Blessing 💚 🐢

  140. Your babygirl Stacy - your Tootie says:

    Mommy just one of them days! I’m so heartbroken without you. Still waiting for the light of understanding to go off. If I could turn back the hands of time and you never got sick, that’s exactly what I’d do! I wish you never endured such pain and a short life. But Mom reality is….you’re okay now… I pray that HEAVEN is treating you well my blessing 🥰🙏🏽 love and missing you dearly 🐢

  141. Stacy says:

    Mom!!! Last night I dreamt of Turtles!!! Lots and lots of them! They were ALLLLLL OVER the place! I remember trying not to step on one there were so many. Not sure what it means but I remember smiling! ☺️ goodnight mom! Just wanted to tell you abt that! 🐢💚

  142. Tootie says:

    Hi Mom! I wish so badly that I could just understand how I’m supposed to just accept that you’re not here and what you went through. I talked about you a lot today in my session. Didn’t help… lol 😂 it’s not funny but I don’t know what else to do but laugh at this point. It’s one of them days mommy! I love you! Keep watching over me mom🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  143. Tootie says:

    Woke up with up on my mind… you were a beautiful person mom inside and out. Good morning Mommy… I l love you and missing you a lot!

  144. Stacy your Tootie Bug! says:

    Mom I’m going to continue to fight for you! I will ALWAYS be your advocate Mom! As long as I am here, I GOT YOU. I miss you so much. Words aren’t enough 💔 completely broken hearted