Funeral Prices | Planning

Planning a personalized funeral can be a great way to bring together everything that you love about your special someone. While funeral prices are rising everywhere, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have options to personalize your funeral. Far from it–you can customize many different options about the funeral of a loved one without adding a lot of cost. Here’s some ideas for making funerals special without breaking the bank:


Creative Floral Arrangements

While flowers are admittedly a big expense at many funerals, having a creative floral arrangement does not add much more to funeral prices than traditional flowers do. Think about what your loved one enjoyed–long walks in the part might translate into a floral arrangement that includes mossy greens, interesting twisted branches and a clean, simple look. Flowers for a Dad who loved fishing could incorporate a fishing pole, a painted wooden fish as an enhancement, and sports lovers could have lays (the flowers that are laid over the casket) in the colors of their favorite team.


Musical Appreciation

Funeral music is another way to personalize your service without adding to funeral prices. Select music that your loved one would enjoy hearing and that brings back fond memories for the listener. While funerals are a sad and emotional time, bringing in some elements that are lighter can help people move towards a positive light and remember all that they loved about their special someone. Music can be evocative of many different emotions, and can be changed depending on where you are in the service or memorial. Playing music that is memorable during the viewing can help color the tone of that portion of the memorial as well.


Graveside Services

Personalizing a funeral parade by adding a motorcycle-drawn hearse or a dove release are both great ways to make the graveside service memorable. A sense of peace and comfort can be derived by the family from a dove release, signifying the change of state and letting go.

When you’re planning a funeral, it’s always helpful to have someone knowledgeable to share ideas with, so please feel free to call us at Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery. We can help you see the different options available and select exactly the right service for your loved one.

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