Forever In the Hearts They Leave Behind

Daniella de Lauro Campoy (Dani)

November 28, 1974 – July 25, 2021

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Daniella de Lauro Campoy (Dani), 46, November 28th, 1974 – July 25, 2021, passed away in Chandler, Arizona. Dani was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil – where she spent most of her childhood and young adult life.

In 2000, Dani married her High School Sweetheart, Eduardo Campoy, and together they had two beautiful boys, Christian (21) and Victor (18) who will miss their mom very much. Dani was how perfect a mom and spouse can get. 😊

Dani graduated from Universidade Sao Judas Tadeu in Advertising and then return to conclude her education for an MBA at FGV in Alphaville (SP) focus on Marketing. Dani has always been so successful at work as well, since she put her body and soul into it – Companies like Unibanco and latest Lululemon who treated her with so much love.

Dani always enjoyed sports and a healthy lifestyle. Her major accomplishments in sports are that she finished four Ironman’s (two In Sao Paulo and two in Arizona), in addition to qualifying and finishing the Boston Marathon. Dani also won Lifetime Body Transformation, reducing her body fat to 8%.

Dani will always be remembered as a beautiful person inside and outside, her kindness, self-control, love for life and her family – Dani is irreplaceable.

Dani’s viewing is scheduled for 9am on Thursday, July 29th, Mountain View Funeral Home And Cemetery, 7900 E Main St, Mesa, Arizona. At 10am Eduardo Campoy and his family will conduct a service for about 45 min before we take Dani to her graveside to say our last physical goodbyes.

To attend services virtually please follow the link below. This link will become available at 9:40am AST.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 6061 0935

Passcode: 099993


Dani leaves a wonderful legacy of joy, learnings and hope – Go to Social Media and learn more about it #Danistrong , #DaniStrong2020, #DaniStrong2021, #DanistrongER, #50DaysSmileChallenge

Dani, we will always love you!!!!

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  1. Caroline Boyle says:

    Dear Eduardo – I’m so sorry to hear about Dani, I had followed you both on FB and used to love seeing the two of you at your get togethers and cycling sessions. She was a beautiful person, my thoughts are with both you and your sons at this time.

  2. Rozaline Stuginski Teston says:

    DANI Amiga linda
    Você se foi mas viverá para sempre em nossos corações …. SAUDADES ENTERNAS
    Com Amor
    Família Teston

  3. Angela Schultz says:

    Dani- words cannot express how beautiful of a person you were. You challenged me- you made me really believe hard things were possible even after so many surgeries, and you left an imprint on my heart through this journey. We shared a unique bond having both been through this experience. I will continue to say how truly remarkable your grace and particularly your grit really was- bravely on display-for the whole world to see. During the deepest, darkest and painful moments you still smiled. You still gave a thumbs up. You still fought – hard- and fiercely loved. You still found joy in the moment. Most of all- I will remember the kind of love you had for Eduardo, your boys, your family and Maui and the love they and all of your combined family and friends had for you. The way you all lived life with no boundaries. You shared the kind of love that’s everlasting, forever and always. You truly will be missed. Run free….. always ….with that beautiful smile lighting the sky. 💞

  4. Carla Del Lucchese says:

    Friends are the family that we choose, Dani was part of my chosen family. She was an incredible woman, beautiful inside and outside with an enormous heart. How great life was with her friendship. I’m so grateful and blessed to have Dani in my life and to call her my friend🙏🏻 .
    She will live forever in my heart and memories.
    LovU Forever Dani.

  5. Joao Paulo Gasparini says:

    A Dani sempre foi e sera uma inspiracao a todos que conheceram sua historia. Mesmo distante, acompanhar suas vitorias e facanhas trazia grande orgulho e motivacao. Sentiremos falta. Esperamos que Deus de forcas para o Edu, Christian e Victor, alem da Tia Mara, Tio Claudio, Simone e Moniquinha superarem a dor irreparavel deste momento, tendo certeza q Deus sempre tem um proposito maior em cada feito. Jonny, Greeta e Gabriel.

  6. Joe Calandra says:

    What a special life you two created and shared, including your two sons. You lived everyday to the fullest and while Dani was gone too soon, you packed more good times and love into it than many do in a lifetime. Hang in there during some tough days. It will get better.

  7. Caroline De Souza says:

    Minha linda Dani,
    Nossas filhotas peludinhas nos tornaram tão próximas, tivemos bons momentos juntas ❤️
    Você é um exemplo de mulher guerreira, uma pessoa sempre sorridente e positiva. Você sempre será lembrada e estará em nossos corações.
    Eu estarei aqui olhando nossas filhotinhas brincando e lembrando como a gente gostava de vê-las juntas e se divertindo.
    Fique em paz ao lado do nosso Deus lindo!!
    Com muito amor,
    Carol, Cauê e Zara ❤️❤️🌹

  8. Diane Haynes says:

    I live kitty corner to the Campoy’s. Dani and I connected when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Dani and I supported each other and agreed that we would stay strong together as we fought this ugly disease. Dani, you were such an inspiration for me; I will continue to stay strong as we promised. Rest In Peace,.

  9. Bruno Freire says:

    She was one of the most important person in my life, because of her I’ve changed my lifestyle and had the opportunity to had the most wonderful and the best year of my life. I wish she could see me during my first IronMan, but I know, that she will be helping me during every step of the race and while I cross that red carpet.
    Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’ll love you forever and you will be forever missed.

  10. Bruno Freire says:

    Aunt Dani was one of the most important person in my life, because of her I’ve changed my lifestyle and had the opportunity to had the most wonderful and the best year of my life. I wish she could see me during my first IronMan, but I know, that she will be helping me during every step of the race and while I cross that red carpet.
    Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’ll love you forever and you will be forever missed.

  11. Alessandra Loturco says:

    Dani eu sempre irei me lembrar de você com o sorriso largo,uma beleza natural que vem de dentro,talvez você não soube-se mas eu era e sou sua fã pela sua garra determinação no esporte ,como você lutou bravamente contra esta doença.
    Agora você está livre de toda e qualquer dor como você merece estar 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Descanse em paz 🌠#Danistrongever
    Um beijo no coração Edu tenha força Dani precisa ver todos vocês bem para ele ficar bem tb ❤️❤️♾

  12. Caroline & Hugues says:

    The pain in such a loss is only comparable to the sheer amount of Love and Care experienced while with Dani. Our thoughts and deep simpathies are with you and the boys. Abração, Love you guys!

  13. Fernanda Carvalho says:

    Dani, my friend you’re the most strong women I’ve met and I’ll miss you so much! I’m so grateful to had had you as my friend and moments that we spent together! Unforgettable moments and you will be on my heart eternally. Thank you so much! Saudades, saudades, saudades… eternas! Te amo muito! Love you so much! See you in our next expedition to the earth! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

  14. Paula Campoy says:

    Hoje a saudade me inspirou para escrever e homenagear uma pessoa incrível que passou pela minha vida e pelas vidas das pessoas de minha família.
    Deixará lembranças queridas, memórias especiais e a falta que sentiremos assolará nossos corações.
    Uma pessoa doce, forte e guerreira e, foi uma honra ter tido a oportunidade de conviver ao seu lado nos últimos 32 anos.
    Que esteja em paz Daniella, descansando ao lado de Deus, como deve ser.
    A saudade que sentiremos nunca irá se extinguir.
    Descanse em paz cunhada e amiga.
    Amamos você aqui e no infinito. Em breve nos encontraremos em algum lugar.
    Eduardo, seguiremos nossa jornada na certeza que um dia, estaremos todos juntos em algum lugar. VOCÊ NUNCA estará sozinho.
    #danistrong #fuckcancer #porumsistemadesaudediferente

  15. Chris Knott / Luciana Correa says:

    Amor, alegria, simplicidade, amizade, dedicação, disciplina, apenas algumas palavras para tentar expressar tudo o que a Dani significa para nós! Muita admiração acompanhando suas conquistas sempre valorizando a família linda que construiu. Se hoje consigo treinar e correr uma maratona foi graças a toda inspiração em 2018 quando tive a oportunidade de correr em Berlim com a Dani e o Edu lá comigo! Momentos únicos e que ficarão para sempre na memória!
    Muita saudade de todos os momentos que vivemos juntos com a certeza de que ela agora pode descansar em paz. Obrigado Dani!

  16. Camilo Cardoso says:

    Meus sinceros sentimentos Edu, a você, aos seus filhos e toda sua família e da Dani. Que Deus conforte o coração de todos, conceda muita força e serenidade para continuar sua jornada na certeza que o tempo a ele pertence. Força.

  17. Jamie, Tom, Libby, Nolan, and Izzee Adams says:

    Dani was an amazing woman. She was beautiful on the inside and outside. She will be missed so much. Our thoughts are with all of you during this very difficult time.

  18. Munir Niss says:

    Dani, que Deus Nosso Senhor te receba de braços abertos! Sinto pela sua passagem e tenho a certeza de que será luz para seus amigos e familiares. Descanse em paz!

  19. Munir Niss says:

    Dani, que Deus Nosso Senhor te receba de braços abertos e que você seja luz ao lado do Pai, refletindo sobre sua família e seus amigos. Descanse em paz!


    Dani, forever my IronMan mentor. You shared with us the true meaning of being true to the things you love, strength and grace under difficult times, and unconditional love and friendship. May you continue to race and party (Brazilian style) in heaven. Our thoughts and condolences to her boys and huaband who loved her sooo much and to her family.

  21. Andre Kina says:

    Edu Campoy e família:
    Nossas condolências e muita força para todos! A minha lembrança da Dani era de uma pessoa doce, sempre alegre que erradiava energia positiva para todos ao seu redor, além de super atleta e disciplinada. A partida dela é parte dos mistérios da vida, mas só temos certeza que ela está no Céu pois Deus quis uma pessoal especial ao lado dele. E toda a lembrança bonita que temos dela signfica que ele estará sempre em nossos corações! Força para toda a família! Grande abraço, Andre e Leticia Kina

  22. Scott Overson says:

    Eduardo, I’m so sorry to hear about Dani. Such a loss for you, the boys, and this world. I hope you can find some comfort and peace now and over time. Cherish the good times and the many meaningful moments. Sending are love to you and all the family. You are in our prayers.

  23. Ivani Manzzo says:

    Dani querida, sua vida aqui foi linda e cheia de amor. Você cativou todos nós com seu amor, sorriso e bondade. Agora sentiremos sua falta e as nossas lembranças irão aquecer nossos corações. Não se preocupe, todos aqui estarão sendo cuidados e no reencontro mataremos as saudades.

  24. Camila Carneiro Alves says:

    Minha amiga querida,
    Que tenha uma passagem de luz, amor, saúde e paz. Você sempre foi uma guerreira.
    Edu, que o conforto do nosso pai chegue aos corações de vocês e os guie pelo caminho do amor e do equilíbrio. Um abraço enorme!

  25. Dudu Campos says:

    Dani foi Iron Woman no esporte, mas acima de tudo na vida!!! Seu time: Edu, filhos, família e amigos, devem sentir muito orgulho!!! Desejo a todos vocês muita luz!!!

  26. Roberta Costa says:

    Our hearts aches for you and the boys, Eduardo. May God grant you and your family the strength to bear this tremendous loss. Dani was a lovely person, who will be deeply missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    With love. Paulo-Roberta Costa

  27. Kirsty , Rob & the girls says:

    I feel blessed I got to know Dani. She truly was beautiful inside and out and the love within the family is an example to so many. The love, the strength, the smiles . Gone but NEVER forgotten. I will cherish the memories of our meetups, wherever it was around the world. Sending love and condolences to your boys at this difficult time xxx

  28. Annie Gladding says:

    I’ve enjoyed watching your love story and life story over the years. Dani was such an inspiring and strong person. If only we could all live with such love and passion, this world would be such a much more beautiful place. Eduardo, please know your Intel family is standing all around you offering the love that you so freely give to all of us everyday. Love & hugs, Annie

  29. Rupal & Bhavesh Patel says:

    Words can not do any justification! Dani was very strong, beautiful , fighter and always with a smile. You are forever in our hearts. We will miss you our beautiful neighbor. RIP 🙏💕

  30. Simone Lanza says:

    A Dani é uma grande inspiração e exemplo de força e positividade. Deixou um legado maravilhoso nesse sentido. Agora, com certeza, está em paz. Meus mais sinceros sentimentos a toda a família.

  31. Lilian Rodrigues says:

    Dani, que vc esteja junto ao Pai olhando por essa família maravilhosa que tem e dando forças e conforto no coração de todos. Não tive o prazer de lhe conhecer mas acompanhei um pouco de sua trajetória de vida, que serve de espelho para todos nós, parabéns pela família linda, unida, de parceria, alegrias e muito amor, acredito que foi essa mensagem que deixou pra todos nós. Fique em paz guerreira e forte abraço ao meu amigo Campoy e família!

  32. Nelson Leung says:

    Eduardo, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

  33. Angie Gillette says:

    Dani was such a bright light to all who had the privilege to know her! Dani was kind, beautiful, strong, loyal, inspiring, and so much fun! All of us at The Village will truly miss her tremendous, beautiful spirit. Sending love and prayers to your family. ❤️

  34. Lisa Eddy says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May Dani’s beautiful soul Rest In Peace.
    We had a wonderful time working out with her at the Village in the Kinesis classes; she had the best disposition and always gave 100%…
    Her gorgeous smile and love for life will always stay with us.
    Blessings and love,
    Lisa and Steve Eddy

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Daniella de Lauro Campoy (Dani)

November 28, 1974 – July 25, 2021

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Daniella de Lauro Campoy (Dani), 46, November 28th, 1974 – July 25, 2021, passed away in Chandler, Arizona. Dani was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil – where she spent most of her childhood and young adult life.

In 2000, Dani married her High School Sweetheart, Eduardo Campoy, and together they had two beautiful boys, Christian (21) and Victor (18) who will miss their mom very much. Dani was how perfect a mom and spouse can get. 😊

Dani graduated from Universidade Sao Judas Tadeu in Advertising and then return to conclude her education for an MBA at FGV in Alphaville (SP) focus on Marketing. Dani has always been so successful at work as well, since she put her body and soul into it – Companies like Unibanco and latest Lululemon who treated her with so much love.

Dani always enjoyed sports and a healthy lifestyle. Her major accomplishments in sports are that she finished four Ironman’s (two In Sao Paulo and two in Arizona), in addition to qualifying and finishing the Boston Marathon. Dani also won Lifetime Body Transformation, reducing her body fat to 8%.

Dani will always be remembered as a beautiful person inside and outside, her kindness, self-control, love for life and her family – Dani is irreplaceable.

Dani’s viewing is scheduled for 9am on Thursday, July 29th, Mountain View Funeral Home And Cemetery, 7900 E Main St, Mesa, Arizona. At 10am Eduardo Campoy and his family will conduct a service for about 45 min before we take Dani to her graveside to say our last physical goodbyes.

To attend services virtually please follow the link below. This link will become available at 9:40am AST.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 6061 0935

Passcode: 099993


Dani leaves a wonderful legacy of joy, learnings and hope – Go to Social Media and learn more about it #Danistrong , #DaniStrong2020, #DaniStrong2021, #DanistrongER, #50DaysSmileChallenge

Dani, we will always love you!!!!

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  1. Caroline Boyle says:

    Dear Eduardo – I’m so sorry to hear about Dani, I had followed you both on FB and used to love seeing the two of you at your get togethers and cycling sessions. She was a beautiful person, my thoughts are with both you and your sons at this time.

  2. Rozaline Stuginski Teston says:

    DANI Amiga linda
    Você se foi mas viverá para sempre em nossos corações …. SAUDADES ENTERNAS
    Com Amor
    Família Teston

  3. Angela Schultz says:

    Dani- words cannot express how beautiful of a person you were. You challenged me- you made me really believe hard things were possible even after so many surgeries, and you left an imprint on my heart through this journey. We shared a unique bond having both been through this experience. I will continue to say how truly remarkable your grace and particularly your grit really was- bravely on display-for the whole world to see. During the deepest, darkest and painful moments you still smiled. You still gave a thumbs up. You still fought – hard- and fiercely loved. You still found joy in the moment. Most of all- I will remember the kind of love you had for Eduardo, your boys, your family and Maui and the love they and all of your combined family and friends had for you. The way you all lived life with no boundaries. You shared the kind of love that’s everlasting, forever and always. You truly will be missed. Run free….. always ….with that beautiful smile lighting the sky. 💞

  4. Carla Del Lucchese says:

    Friends are the family that we choose, Dani was part of my chosen family. She was an incredible woman, beautiful inside and outside with an enormous heart. How great life was with her friendship. I’m so grateful and blessed to have Dani in my life and to call her my friend🙏🏻 .
    She will live forever in my heart and memories.
    LovU Forever Dani.

  5. Joao Paulo Gasparini says:

    A Dani sempre foi e sera uma inspiracao a todos que conheceram sua historia. Mesmo distante, acompanhar suas vitorias e facanhas trazia grande orgulho e motivacao. Sentiremos falta. Esperamos que Deus de forcas para o Edu, Christian e Victor, alem da Tia Mara, Tio Claudio, Simone e Moniquinha superarem a dor irreparavel deste momento, tendo certeza q Deus sempre tem um proposito maior em cada feito. Jonny, Greeta e Gabriel.

  6. Joe Calandra says:

    What a special life you two created and shared, including your two sons. You lived everyday to the fullest and while Dani was gone too soon, you packed more good times and love into it than many do in a lifetime. Hang in there during some tough days. It will get better.

  7. Caroline De Souza says:

    Minha linda Dani,
    Nossas filhotas peludinhas nos tornaram tão próximas, tivemos bons momentos juntas ❤️
    Você é um exemplo de mulher guerreira, uma pessoa sempre sorridente e positiva. Você sempre será lembrada e estará em nossos corações.
    Eu estarei aqui olhando nossas filhotinhas brincando e lembrando como a gente gostava de vê-las juntas e se divertindo.
    Fique em paz ao lado do nosso Deus lindo!!
    Com muito amor,
    Carol, Cauê e Zara ❤️❤️🌹

  8. Diane Haynes says:

    I live kitty corner to the Campoy’s. Dani and I connected when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Dani and I supported each other and agreed that we would stay strong together as we fought this ugly disease. Dani, you were such an inspiration for me; I will continue to stay strong as we promised. Rest In Peace,.

  9. Bruno Freire says:

    She was one of the most important person in my life, because of her I’ve changed my lifestyle and had the opportunity to had the most wonderful and the best year of my life. I wish she could see me during my first IronMan, but I know, that she will be helping me during every step of the race and while I cross that red carpet.
    Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’ll love you forever and you will be forever missed.

  10. Bruno Freire says:

    Aunt Dani was one of the most important person in my life, because of her I’ve changed my lifestyle and had the opportunity to had the most wonderful and the best year of my life. I wish she could see me during my first IronMan, but I know, that she will be helping me during every step of the race and while I cross that red carpet.
    Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’ll love you forever and you will be forever missed.

  11. Alessandra Loturco says:

    Dani eu sempre irei me lembrar de você com o sorriso largo,uma beleza natural que vem de dentro,talvez você não soube-se mas eu era e sou sua fã pela sua garra determinação no esporte ,como você lutou bravamente contra esta doença.
    Agora você está livre de toda e qualquer dor como você merece estar 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Descanse em paz 🌠#Danistrongever
    Um beijo no coração Edu tenha força Dani precisa ver todos vocês bem para ele ficar bem tb ❤️❤️♾

  12. Caroline & Hugues says:

    The pain in such a loss is only comparable to the sheer amount of Love and Care experienced while with Dani. Our thoughts and deep simpathies are with you and the boys. Abração, Love you guys!

  13. Fernanda Carvalho says:

    Dani, my friend you’re the most strong women I’ve met and I’ll miss you so much! I’m so grateful to had had you as my friend and moments that we spent together! Unforgettable moments and you will be on my heart eternally. Thank you so much! Saudades, saudades, saudades… eternas! Te amo muito! Love you so much! See you in our next expedition to the earth! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

  14. Paula Campoy says:

    Hoje a saudade me inspirou para escrever e homenagear uma pessoa incrível que passou pela minha vida e pelas vidas das pessoas de minha família.
    Deixará lembranças queridas, memórias especiais e a falta que sentiremos assolará nossos corações.
    Uma pessoa doce, forte e guerreira e, foi uma honra ter tido a oportunidade de conviver ao seu lado nos últimos 32 anos.
    Que esteja em paz Daniella, descansando ao lado de Deus, como deve ser.
    A saudade que sentiremos nunca irá se extinguir.
    Descanse em paz cunhada e amiga.
    Amamos você aqui e no infinito. Em breve nos encontraremos em algum lugar.
    Eduardo, seguiremos nossa jornada na certeza que um dia, estaremos todos juntos em algum lugar. VOCÊ NUNCA estará sozinho.
    #danistrong #fuckcancer #porumsistemadesaudediferente

  15. Chris Knott / Luciana Correa says:

    Amor, alegria, simplicidade, amizade, dedicação, disciplina, apenas algumas palavras para tentar expressar tudo o que a Dani significa para nós! Muita admiração acompanhando suas conquistas sempre valorizando a família linda que construiu. Se hoje consigo treinar e correr uma maratona foi graças a toda inspiração em 2018 quando tive a oportunidade de correr em Berlim com a Dani e o Edu lá comigo! Momentos únicos e que ficarão para sempre na memória!
    Muita saudade de todos os momentos que vivemos juntos com a certeza de que ela agora pode descansar em paz. Obrigado Dani!

  16. Camilo Cardoso says:

    Meus sinceros sentimentos Edu, a você, aos seus filhos e toda sua família e da Dani. Que Deus conforte o coração de todos, conceda muita força e serenidade para continuar sua jornada na certeza que o tempo a ele pertence. Força.

  17. Jamie, Tom, Libby, Nolan, and Izzee Adams says:

    Dani was an amazing woman. She was beautiful on the inside and outside. She will be missed so much. Our thoughts are with all of you during this very difficult time.

  18. Munir Niss says:

    Dani, que Deus Nosso Senhor te receba de braços abertos! Sinto pela sua passagem e tenho a certeza de que será luz para seus amigos e familiares. Descanse em paz!

  19. Munir Niss says:

    Dani, que Deus Nosso Senhor te receba de braços abertos e que você seja luz ao lado do Pai, refletindo sobre sua família e seus amigos. Descanse em paz!


    Dani, forever my IronMan mentor. You shared with us the true meaning of being true to the things you love, strength and grace under difficult times, and unconditional love and friendship. May you continue to race and party (Brazilian style) in heaven. Our thoughts and condolences to her boys and huaband who loved her sooo much and to her family.

  21. Andre Kina says:

    Edu Campoy e família:
    Nossas condolências e muita força para todos! A minha lembrança da Dani era de uma pessoa doce, sempre alegre que erradiava energia positiva para todos ao seu redor, além de super atleta e disciplinada. A partida dela é parte dos mistérios da vida, mas só temos certeza que ela está no Céu pois Deus quis uma pessoal especial ao lado dele. E toda a lembrança bonita que temos dela signfica que ele estará sempre em nossos corações! Força para toda a família! Grande abraço, Andre e Leticia Kina

  22. Scott Overson says:

    Eduardo, I’m so sorry to hear about Dani. Such a loss for you, the boys, and this world. I hope you can find some comfort and peace now and over time. Cherish the good times and the many meaningful moments. Sending are love to you and all the family. You are in our prayers.

  23. Ivani Manzzo says:

    Dani querida, sua vida aqui foi linda e cheia de amor. Você cativou todos nós com seu amor, sorriso e bondade. Agora sentiremos sua falta e as nossas lembranças irão aquecer nossos corações. Não se preocupe, todos aqui estarão sendo cuidados e no reencontro mataremos as saudades.

  24. Camila Carneiro Alves says:

    Minha amiga querida,
    Que tenha uma passagem de luz, amor, saúde e paz. Você sempre foi uma guerreira.
    Edu, que o conforto do nosso pai chegue aos corações de vocês e os guie pelo caminho do amor e do equilíbrio. Um abraço enorme!

  25. Dudu Campos says:

    Dani foi Iron Woman no esporte, mas acima de tudo na vida!!! Seu time: Edu, filhos, família e amigos, devem sentir muito orgulho!!! Desejo a todos vocês muita luz!!!

  26. Roberta Costa says:

    Our hearts aches for you and the boys, Eduardo. May God grant you and your family the strength to bear this tremendous loss. Dani was a lovely person, who will be deeply missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    With love. Paulo-Roberta Costa

  27. Kirsty , Rob & the girls says:

    I feel blessed I got to know Dani. She truly was beautiful inside and out and the love within the family is an example to so many. The love, the strength, the smiles . Gone but NEVER forgotten. I will cherish the memories of our meetups, wherever it was around the world. Sending love and condolences to your boys at this difficult time xxx

  28. Annie Gladding says:

    I’ve enjoyed watching your love story and life story over the years. Dani was such an inspiring and strong person. If only we could all live with such love and passion, this world would be such a much more beautiful place. Eduardo, please know your Intel family is standing all around you offering the love that you so freely give to all of us everyday. Love & hugs, Annie

  29. Rupal & Bhavesh Patel says:

    Words can not do any justification! Dani was very strong, beautiful , fighter and always with a smile. You are forever in our hearts. We will miss you our beautiful neighbor. RIP 🙏💕

  30. Simone Lanza says:

    A Dani é uma grande inspiração e exemplo de força e positividade. Deixou um legado maravilhoso nesse sentido. Agora, com certeza, está em paz. Meus mais sinceros sentimentos a toda a família.

  31. Lilian Rodrigues says:

    Dani, que vc esteja junto ao Pai olhando por essa família maravilhosa que tem e dando forças e conforto no coração de todos. Não tive o prazer de lhe conhecer mas acompanhei um pouco de sua trajetória de vida, que serve de espelho para todos nós, parabéns pela família linda, unida, de parceria, alegrias e muito amor, acredito que foi essa mensagem que deixou pra todos nós. Fique em paz guerreira e forte abraço ao meu amigo Campoy e família!

  32. Nelson Leung says:

    Eduardo, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

  33. Angie Gillette says:

    Dani was such a bright light to all who had the privilege to know her! Dani was kind, beautiful, strong, loyal, inspiring, and so much fun! All of us at The Village will truly miss her tremendous, beautiful spirit. Sending love and prayers to your family. ❤️

  34. Lisa Eddy says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May Dani’s beautiful soul Rest In Peace.
    We had a wonderful time working out with her at the Village in the Kinesis classes; she had the best disposition and always gave 100%…
    Her gorgeous smile and love for life will always stay with us.
    Blessings and love,
    Lisa and Steve Eddy