How Long Does it Take to Plan a Funeral

When a loved one passes away, it may feel as though there is no way to get through all of the details needed to plan a service. This is one of the key reasons that pre-planning your funeral is so important, as it reduces some of the stress on friends and family members after a loss. With some families, especially those who have a good idea about the loved one’s wishes, arrangements at the funeral home can be completed fairly quickly. Others may find that it becomes more challenging to make decisions and maintain family harmony.

Taking the First Steps

Whether your loved one passes away unexpectedly or after a long illness, the first few steps are made easier when you already know which funeral home you will be using. The next steps involve gathering the necessary documentation. You can find a comprehensive list of the required documents on our website. Additional items may be suggested by the funeral director when they contact you or your family to set a time to meet and make arrangements.

Determining Funeral Details

Do you plan to have your loved one cremated, or did they express a preference for a ground burial? There are no right or wrong decisions, but if your loved one did not leave a clear funeral plan, these are some of the decisions that must be made. Each decision can impact the length of time required to plan a service.

Family Members and Travel

Will your family need to come from out of town, or are they all living relatively close? Bringing in remote family members adds to the time and complexity of your planning, but your funeral director will be able to help you make the preparations that you need.

Religious and Cultural Considerations

It is always important to keep in mind any particular cultural or religious requirements that may need to be considered during this time. Some faiths require a service next day while others may promote a longer waiting period or specific rites. Depending on the time of year of the passing, you may need to wait an additional period of time or move more quickly.

Many factors can influence the time-frame for planning a funeral service or celebration of life. If your loved one left clear instructions that only need to be reviewed or a service further customized to share who they were, an hour at the funeral home followed by a few calls may be all that is needed. When preferences are not as well known, taking a few more hours or days to discuss options with relatives and friends is perfectly acceptable.

At Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery, we do everything possible to help ensure that your loved one’s last requests are carried out respectfully and with the utmost devotion to their care and the support of the family. Contact our 24-hour helpline anytime at 480-832-2850 with any questions, or reach us via email to

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