What to Do with Your Loved One’s Digital Legacy

The concept of a digital legacy is relatively new, and one that some families may not have considered. Creating a will and defining who receives your physical assets is something that people have been doing for hundreds of years, but your digital assets? That’s unfamiliar territory. Here are some tips on parceling through your loved one’s digital legacy.

Email Accounts

With the rise of two-factor authentication and passwords on many digital devices and websites, having access to your loved one’s mobile phone is more important than ever. If you’re not sure the password that was used on any email accounts, you may be able to access their email directly from a mobile phone — which can, in turn, help you audit the types of digital assets may be left behind.

Social Networks and Blogs

You might meet your first challenge when you’re attempting to gain access to social networks and blogs, as these organizations will not automatically pass control to a loved one. You can add a clause to your will that requests your accounts be placed into a “memorial” status, where messages of love can continue to be left in the future.

Banking and Monetary Assets

With luck, you will have shared or joint access to banking or other accounts with a monetary value. If you don’t, it’s important to retain control of your loved one’s phone number for up to six months after their passing. This can help as you’re attempting to regain access to this type of account.

Photo Sharing Sites

Accessing photo sharing sites may be slightly easier than gaining access to banking accounts or social media. With luck, you’ll either be familiar with any cloud storage options and can shift storage locations to your personal assets or download the images and videos to a CD-ROM.

Ultimately, the best option is to make planning for your digital legacy part of your funeral plan. That way, your family will have access to the most important photos, assets and information that you shared during your life. Ready to start on your personal funeral plan?

Contact the caring professionals at Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery at 480-832-2850 or via email to wecare@mvfuneralhome.com.

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