5 Original Ideas for Your Loved One’s Celebration of Life Ceremony

A celebration of life is a casual way to honor the passing of a loved one. Much like a funeral, this type of gathering can include a ceremony that celebrates the unique attributes and achievements of the deceased.  Caring family and friends gather at a celebration of life ceremony to offer support and share memories. For those planning a celebration of life event, there are many ways you can honor your loved one. Here are five original ceremony ideas.


1. Memory Capsule Activity


A memory capsule is an activity that includes everyone in attendance. Simply ask that each person bring something that symbolizes a memory of the deceased. It can be a piece of clothing, song lyrics, a book or anything else that you’re willing to part with. Each memory piece will be placed into a box. If someone wishes to share a story about what they brought, this can be a great way to break the ice and bring everyone together. After everyone has placed their item in the box, you may bury it in a place of your choosing in memory of your loved one.


2. Read a Poem or Bible Passage


This is a traditional way to express the spirit of your loved one. Let their light shine with a poem or bible verse reading. This is a great way to allow a younger family member to participate in the ceremony. Original poems or letters are encouraged as a way of grieving and sharing during a time of sorrow. Encourage attendees to show their support with endless amounts of hugs and smiles.


3. Release a Sky Lantern  


A lantern release is a ceremonial way to send thoughts and prayers up into the sky. Family members and friends can write a simple message on their lantern. After the sun sets, everyone gathers together for the release. Light each lantern and have someone say a few words to commemorate the special day. Everyone releases their lantern at the same time. Watch as your messages light up the sky symbolizing the love that you’ll always carry in your heart.


4. Give a Personalized Remembrance Takeaway


Offering a small takeaway is a nice way to thank everyone for coming to the celebration of life. Ask a friend or family member to help you make memory stones or forget-me-not seed packets personalized with your loved ones name, birthdate and date of passing. These keepsake items will serve great purpose as each family member and friend continues to celebrate the life of the deceased.


5. Create an Original Playlist or Tribute Video


Curate a list of your loved one’s favorites songs throughout their lifetime. Have it playing in the background at the celebration of life event. A tribute video is another way to celebrate a lifetime of memories with family and friends. Ask for photo submissions so you don’t have to do all the work. Perhaps a creative family member can help out with the video production? Gather everyone together at the event as you laugh, cry and remember all the good times you had together.


Our experienced, compassionate staff specialize in end-of-life preparations and peaceful celebrations of life. To learn more about planning a funeral or celebration of life, visit Mountain View Funeral Home today.

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